Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas

Life has been so busy since I had my little Gabriel Stone. He has been such a wonderful joy for me to have. But I am so much more busy, I have four wonderful kids who keep me on my toes. We have to do school with the older two, I have a very busy little three year old and my little baby Gab. Thats not including the house work and cooking. We are actually getting ready to leave to go to Oklahoma for Christmas. So know I must do laundry and pack so we can head out in the morning Lord willing. I am so excited to see all my friends and family. I miss them greatly, I am missing them more than I ever thought I would. We plan on spending about a month out there so Lee can work. I want to go to Arkansas to see my Grandma also she has been sick lately and she is getting up in age. 

I just wanted to let everyone know that I was still alive but I am just so busy with life. And what a wonderful life it is. I have a loving husband who I adore and four of the best kids ever..... I thank God for my blessings and hope that I will always remember what he has given me.. I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!  

Please pray for us on the roads they seem a little scary right know.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New pictures of the kids

I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have posted on here. But life has been so busy lately. Today I went and had the kids picture taken. So I thought I would post a few pictures.

Friday, October 3, 2008

First Pictures of Gabriel

Hi all this is Sis. Trina. I am over here at Bro. Lee and Sis. Cherrie's house adoring little Gabriel Stone. He is absolutely beautiful and the sweetest tempered little baby. What a huge blessing he is, besides the fact that Boaz and him will be the best of

Anyway, Cherrie was a complete trooper through the birthing process and she is getting along famously, however she isn't up and at 'em quite yet, as is to be expected. However, we know that everyone was dying to see this beautiful little baby so here are some gorgeous pictures of him. 


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Welcome Baby

Gabriel Stone Bosch was born on september 30th at 7:15 am. He weighed 9 1\2 pounds and is 21 1\2 inches long. He arrived on our 13th anniversary. Hope to post pictures soon.

Friday, September 26, 2008

No baby yet!

I am so ready to have this baby in my arms. I am only a few days late so far but I just want my baby here. He moves all the time to let me know he is here and healthy. But I have a house full of people waiting for me to have this baby and I feel as if there lives have been put on hold because of me. I have so enjoyed having the company and the help. Sis. Collete has been a doll about keeping my laundry up. And my mother-in-law has been cooking and baking all the time. What yummy food we have had to eat. But I can tell that my patience is real thin and this baby seems to be totally content in my belly. I sure hope by this weekend we have a baby to enjoy. My mother-in-law has to leave Wednesday. So I guess that God has a plan and we will just wait to see what it will be. Just remember me

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sorry its been so long......

I am so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. But I just feel so unconnected to the computer right now. I really don't have a whole lot to say or maybe there is just to much to say. Not really sure just haven't been in the blogging mood for awhile.

The time is getting close for this little bundle of joy to grace us with his little face. We are feeling pretty strong that its going to be a boy. But what ever we have will be a blessing from God. I have gotten everything as ready as I can and Lee's mom will be here tomorrow night. I will ask one of the sisters to give you guys a update when the bundle does arrive. Just remember me in your prayers.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just talking!!

I have no excuses for not posting lately, other than pure laziness. So here it goes!

This is Lee and Robert chilling out by the penske truck while we are waiting for them to come change the flat we had on our move out here. These poor guys look like they had a hard job waiting. We had only been gone for about three hours when this flat took place. Luckily we were by a town and didn't have to wait beside a busy hi-way.

I have officially decided that it is so much easier having a baby when you are in your twenties and in much better shape. Don't get me wrong I am doing fine and I push myself. But this old body sure does feel a difference. And since I have done this before (labor) I am not looking forward to it. I can't wait for the end results. I try not to complain much to anyone but my wonderful husband. He just hears it a lot. I have finally got everything almost ready all the little things I need bought. Just a few things still to gather. Washed all the baby clothes and blankets. I am only 34 weeks but I feel as if the time is going by so fast and I want to prepared. I can always hope for a fast delivery right. But I usually have time to do all while I am in labor. This baby is very active which can hurt at times but it always makes me smile to know it is healthy. Well I just thought I would talk a little and let all know what is going on around here. Mostly just counting down the days for the new arrival....

Monday, July 21, 2008


We have been here in Oregon for almost two weeks and things have been very busy. I have really enjoyed myself with berry pick'n and the sisters. The first week was getting things in order so our house felt like a home and not full of boxes. Oh believe me the boxes are not done being unpacked they are just in the garage so I don't have to look at them. We had some wonderful help from some dear friends of our with our move. Bro. Robert took time out of his work to help us drive the Penske truck and Lee's cousin Tiffany helped me drive the van. I was so glad for all there help. They went above and beyond to help us. Thank you guys so much and we love you guys so much.

The second week has been Lee trying to find work. He had to do a little more stuff in order to start looking. And tonight he is on his way to do two bids. We are still praying that the Lord will provide. He has always done a wonderful job of it.

I have done really good with this move and my pregnancy. I have been a little wore out at times but that is just how anyone feels after moving across country. The baby is moving all the time. And I just love to lay and feel him move around. This just brings a huge smile to my face. The time has gone by so fast this time, I can't believe the time is getting so close. I am almost 31 weeks and just 9 more to go. Wow, it sorda feels unreal. I still have lots to do to get ready for this little guy. But there is so much to do before I will be ables to that.

Monday, July 14, 2008

We Have Arrived!

I have been so busy that I haven't had the time to get on here and let you all know that we have arrived. We left a week ago on monday morning and got here wednesday night. Believe me I have been wore out. But I am so glad that we are here. I will post more later but there is so much to do. Just letting you all know we got here safe.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Good Bye for Now!


Today is my last day on here until we get moved. I am doing all the laundry, and repacking the suitcases for our long awaited move. We have dinner plans with some wonderful friends this evening and then Lee will pick up the moving truck in the morning to load it with all of our stuff. We are going to spend the night with some wonderful friends who have been so good to us and go to church one last time here before we go. Then monday morning we will be Oregon bound. Wow that sounds a little unreal to me. We are actually heading out finally. I just pray that I can make this move feeling wonderful. I will be limited to my drinks though or else we might not ever get to our destination. As it is the baby is always on my bladder. So off to finish the laundry I must go.....

Monday, June 30, 2008

Glistening Water Fall!

As all of you know we are staying at my moms house until we move. So as a good house guest I try to pull my weight around here and do things to help out. So tonight I decided that I would unload the dishwasher, so me and my big helper Elisha went to conquer this task. I usually get the things on top and have the kids hand me the things on bottom since bending over is getting a lot harder to do. So as I was putting up the glass cups on the glass shelf, all of the sudden a water fall of glasses came cascading around my legs leaving me in a pool of glass with no where to go. Quickly Elisha leaps to the counter for safety dropping sippy cups along the way. Samuel turns and runs in terror as the cups are still falling around me. I yell to my night and shinning armor to come and rescue me. He flashes a quick, "I'm MacGuyver" I can fix anything look and grabs the broom to rescue his only love who is standing with glass covering her bare feet. He swoops the glass off of the freezer for her to have a safe place to retreat while he softly brushes the glass shavings off of her feet. And begins the task of cleaning the mess. Now the mess is cleaned and we have to tell my mom that she is missing about 20 cups and that they are now in the trash. To my defense her glass shelf was missing one peg and the shelf tipped forward in the process of placing the clean ones up on it. I must say that no one got hurt in this little situation we had. Just the cups...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Busy as a Bee are We!!!!

We are out of the house and are at my moms house for the week. Lee has worked so hard trying to get everything done. I feel so blessed to have a husband who takes care of me. He also is redoing my Aunts kitchen before we leave also. So he has been so busy lately. He has done such a wonderful job on it. I will take some pictures when he is done grouting it so you all can see how good he is at what he does. I feel as if we have ran a marathon the last few days. The sad thing is that Lee has done pretty much everything. I have just tagged along for the ride most of the time. I feel like it might be awhile before things get back to normal. I am one who likes to get moved and have things unpacked as soon as possible. But I must say that I am already exhausted all the time and the further I get in this pregnancy the more tired I seem to be. But thankfully I have a husband who can't stand to live with boxes everywhere either, so I am sure he will have me unpacked as soon as possible. I might have to redo some things later on but that will be fine. I just appreciate all he does for me. I love you hunny so much and thank you for doing those little things for me.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Wore out!

Well we decided to move out of our house today. And what a exhausting day it has been for us. My sweet mother-in-law came down and helped me so much with the last minute packing. We planned on doing it tomorrow but we had some help today so today became the day. All the major stuff is out of the house and know I just have to do a little bit of the loose packing and cleaning of the house tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this but it is something that must be done. Now don't worry my mom is going to help me tomorrow. And my kids are going to run the sweeper and clean the bathrooms. So I guess you can say I will be the supervisor.

On another note, I was reading Trina's blog and the potty training and made me think of a little incident that I had with Samuel the other day. As you all know he is potty trained and has done a wonderful job with it. But I haven't taught him how to go number 1 standing up yet. Not to sure how I will do that one. I am hoping his dad will do it. O.k. let get on with the story. I was on my way home from town a few weeks ago and my little man started dancing around in his car seat. So I looked back and asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom, which of course he said yes. Well there was no where to go so I pulled over on the road to let him go on the side. My little guy was puzzled when I pulled his pants down and told him to go. It really bothered him that he had his pants off on the side of the road. He didn't know what to do. So he started yelling at me to put his pants on. So of course I did and put him back in his seat and told him to hold it till we got home. He made it home and was still dry but barely. I am hoping my husband will help teach him to go standing up so on the trip when there is no where for miles he can go on the side of the road.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time Flies!

We are officially moving out of our house this weekend. So just a little more packing to do on friday and on Saturday everything will be moved over to storage for one week. Can you believe it we leave in just a week and a half. I am so excited that things seem a little unreal. I thought that I would be a little sad when we moved but with this taking so long I am just excited to get it over with. I will miss all of my friends and family but it is just way past time to go. So for now there are no tears but we haven't left yet.

I got to spend some time with my friend Sylvia today and I enjoyed our time together so much. I will miss you very much, but since we talk on the phone most of the time anyways. I think that will stay the same.

Monday, June 16, 2008

3 weeks to go!!!!

I can't believe it, we will be moving in exactly three weeks from this morning. It has been a long process but it seems to have gone by pretty fast. It amazes me how time just slips away and before you know it, its been a year. We have been in the this process for so long and now the time is almost here. Then I think about this pregnancy and I realize that I am about to start my 7th month. I am 26 weeks pregnant and beginning my third trimester, where has the time gone. As I watch my belly grow and feel this little guy growing inside me, it brings me so much joy. I so love being pregnant!

Not very long ago Sis. Marisela wrote a blog on the things she was looking forward to. So it made me think about the things that I am looking forward to.

1. Moving into the home we have already rented.

2. Getting ready to have my baby.

3. Making new friends and rekindling with old friends.

4. Getting to decorate and getting all my stuff out of storage.

5. Starting our new school and getting a head start before the baby comes.

6. Holding my new baby.....

7. Being apart of a small assembly/

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gods Mercy to my man!

You all know that Lee hurt his ankle a few weeks back. I took a picture of it about a week after he did it. I wish I would of thought to take one when it was first done. But this is when the healing was taking place. He is so much better now. He does have a slight limp but that is o.k. I teased him about being toble and me being woble. What a couple we make walking down the street. God has had so much mercy on him. His ankle still has a knot around it. But the swelling has gone out of his foot. He has a slight swelling in his leg. But nothing to complain about. Thanks for all the prayers we really appreciate it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Finally Done!

Awhile back I had posted on how I was making some baby bands and some baby blankets. So I decided to go ahead and get some pictures of them on here. I have never made blankets before but I was in the mood to do something. I am really pleased with the outcome. Now don't look to hard you might see all my mistakes.

This is a picture of the dinosaur blanket that I started years ago for Elisha and just finished for Samuel. It took so long to sew around those dinosaurs.

I went ahead and made two little girl blankets just in case. But more than likely its going to be a boy.

The baby bands that I made for this new little. I made two different types, not so sure which one I would like best. I think the ones with the arms will be really nice. They have velcro on them so no more safety pins to hold them into place. I am very proud of myself since I am not much of a seamstress. But I am learning and teaching myself.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tempted and Tried!

I feel with all my heart that the Lord showed me a few years back that we would move back to Oregon. The first thing was to wait on him to show my husband. By the way he did and we both feel that this is the Lords will. But the timing on things we wasn't to sure about. We have a business and we had employees to worry about. We also had two homes to worry about. So we started with preparations and had all our employees go under our partner for payroll so they still had job security, and sold one of the houses instantly. The Lord so worked that sell out for us and the wonderful couple who bought it. We had considered renting the other out but I was to scared and wanted it to be sold. Well during this last year I had a miscarriage my oldest son got poison sumac. Two very stressful things back to back. This all passes eventually and a few months later I end up pregnant again. A blessing from God for sure. I was really sick the first four months, and this is not normal for me. I feel as if we have had one trial after another. Things start looking on the upside we have a contract on our house it looks like the time is almost here. Last week we tried to talk to the sellers to check on things and they won't answer the phone to us. Mmmm makes you wonder whats going on huhhh.....Still to this day no call. So we have officially decided to rent the house out for awhile. So we pray we can get good, honest renters in here who won't destroy my beautiful home. Please pray for us on this one. Then you all know that Lee got hurt and has been on crutches for two weeks so far. It is slowly getting better. So we think that maybe the trials are over and we can get on with move right. NO, I don't think so, our van started having some problems with the a/c so I decided to take it in and see what the problem is today. So in the van goes to the dealership for some checking out and I have a wonderful sister come and get me to have some girl time. We decided to go to hobby lobby and do some shopping and I get a phone call from Lee. He has been trying to call the moving company that we have paid a down payment of to delay our move a few weeks to give him more time for healing. Guess what we can't reach this company for nothing. No one will answer the phone or call us back. So here we are wondering what is going on. So I go to the bank that we paid them with and they already took our money out. Urgghhhh....... So we assumed we are out that $500.00 dollars. Then I told myself that it is just money and things will be o.k. So we decided we needed to go to lunch. While I was at the restaurant I get a call from the dealership, yes more bad news, the will cost me $900.00 to get the air fixed and the brakes were needing done. And hey we are moving in the summer and these things must be done. So lets just say I felt very discouraged today and did a little tear shedding. But I still know that we are to move and that we are just being tried. By the way the moving company finally called back and said they would send us a check for the money we gave them. But for now I will just pray it does happen. But I don't really no if it will. There has been other things that has happened but these are things that stand out to me right now. I hope I don't sound whinny I just want to look back and remember that we were tried but God pulled us through. I know with out a doubt that the time is almost here and that the devil would love for us to stay here and not go where the Lord would have us be. But I so want to do his will, I just pray that I can with stand all that is thrown at me.

The move has been delayed a little because of Lee's foot. We are now hoping for the 7th of July. I will be over six months by then but I feel so much better right now. I have so much energy and the baby moves all the time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Time!

It is official the summer has hit us here in Oklahoma. The weather is muggy and hot, not a good combination. As most of you know my husband got hurt about a week ago. This has been a definite trial for us, we are not used to him being down. And it doesn't hurt that I am 24 weeks pregnant. So there is a lot of things that I am limited to. So here we are a couple of people who have so much to do and we are limited to what we can do. The yard needs mowed, Lee needs to work, and the moving company is scheduled for less than two weeks away. But how will we make the trip if Lee can't drive? Not so sure, maybe another delay. I sure hope not, but things happen. His ankle is slowly getting better, the swelling has gone down so much but he still has pain in it and can't walk. When ever he rides in the vehicle his ankle will start swelling again. I fear that he might of caused some serious damage. I just pray that it will heal quickly. I thank all of you who has been praying for him I really appreciate it. Now for those of you who don't know how this happened just remember we are not as young as we used to be. Sometimes the things we did when we was kids was foolish and shouldn't be repeated as we get older. Our bodies are more fragile and don't heal as quickly. I am very protective of our kids and you.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

He's Eleven

My oldest son just turned 11 years old yesterday. He has grown into such a fine young man. I am such a proud momma, he helps me in so many ways. We had big plans for this weekend and then our plans all changed. My husband got hurt on saturday morning and sprang his ankle real bad. So he has been house bound and crippled all weekend. We had to get him some crutches to get around on. So we ended up spending the weekend home and relaxing. I am so sorry Elisha that things didn't work out like we planned but I am so proud of you for being so good about it.

Friday, May 23, 2008


We have officially rented us a house in Oregon. We have the lease agreement sent by fax and the check is going in the mail. I am really excited, this makes things feel a little more real to me. We still haven't heard anything on the house here in Oklahoma yet, we were supposed to hear something today. But so far I have had no call. We are really praying that things will close soon and no more delays. But we did decide to go ahead with the move for now. So Lord willing we will be on our way in June sometime. I am just so happy to have a house to move straight into. The pictures look awesome and we had some people go have a look ( thanks Dennis and Trina ). They both gave it a thumbs up, so this means it is a keeper.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baby Bands......

I woke up early this morning to go to town and get the stuff to make me some new baby bands. I had asked a sister that I know to help me, so I picked her up and off to Joanne Fabrics we went. We found some of the cutest baby blanket stuff, so I couldn't resist and purchased the stuff to make this baby 3 new blankets. When we were done we went and ate some Mexican food and then to another fabric store and of course Sonic for happy hour. Then off to her house to get the bands done. We made 11 new baby bands and sewed two blankets. Thanks to her daughter coming over and helping. I will go tomorrow to finish sewing the velcro on the bands and finish the other blankets. This has really been a fun thing to do. I am so excited to have all of these things done. I will take some pictures tomorrow if we get them finished.

On another note, Samuel was much better today. I think he is just testing me to see how much he can get away with. I plan on showing him who is the boss. Hopefully I can stick to it, but sometimes the things he says and does is just way to cute coming out of his little mouth.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What A Morning!!!!

This morning has been a crazy one for me. How do I start, Oh ya.. the ants that are infesting my house. My husband woke me up and told me that we had ants all over the kitchen floor. By the way it was to early to start cleaning for me, but I can't stand those little things. So I pop out of bed wake the kids up to help. They start moving everything off the tile so I can sweep the ants up and give it another good cleaning. After I got done cleaning the floor and picking a few things I looked up to see what time it was. It was 7:00 a.m. and I must admit I don't usually get around till around 8:00. So those pesty little things were gone for now. Then I decided I would make a phone call and chat for awhile. That went very well, thanks Sylvia for always being there to chat with.

Then my day really started, my three year old (Samuel who I love dearly) decided to become a little terror. Lets just say I said way to much about someone else's kids that I am being paid back. For starters he found some lotion and smeared it all over Elisha's bed and window. So we clean that up and of course had the talk with him. I decided that I was going to take a shower and get cleaned up, so off to the bathroom I went to find Samuel in the bathroom with no pants on and toilet paper everywhere. As soon as he saw me the apologies started coming out of his mouth. "I sorry mommy".... So now its time to clean this mess up and crack down on him. So of course the kids start cleaning his mess and I spank his little bottom and told him that was a no no. I must admit this is becoming a daily experience with him that I am getting sick of. He loves to plunge the toilet also, wet toilet paper in the toilet he just potted in. And then throw it around the bathroom. My other two kids never got into anything. So as the morning has gone on this little man has been hitting, pulling his sisters hair, and throwing fits. By the way I don't do well this kind of attitude in my house. Then all the sudden the house got quite, Oh no that can't be a good sign. So off to my room I go to find my three year old in my bathroom spraying my shout all over the place. That was it the child was going to bed before momma pulled her hair out. And by the way I had plans of going to town this morning. But they are on hold while the little one takes his much needed nap. I just pray that I can win this fight with him, he is usually such a good boy, but every since he turned three one month ago he has kept me on my toes. I love you Samuel so much I just want you to know how to mind and stay out of things.

The house is quite, Samuel is asleep and I have some much needed time to myself.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bad Habit.... Funny Situation

I have noticed lately that I have been grinding my teeth. The problem with this is, that it gives me a headache and is hard on my teeth. I have never done this before and my jaw is aching. I have to stop and pay attention to what I am doing and even at that it is still hard not to do. What a annoying habit to have. How this has started I have no idea I just figured it out lately.

This morning as we was laying in bed we could here Samuel in his room yelling at the kids. Yes my three year old is very bossy. So Lee decided that he needed to go and take care of him and stop his yelling. As he went in his room he saw Samuel still in his crib ( yes he is still in the crib it keeps him from waking up and roaming the house). So Lee asked him what his problem was and he told his daddy that there was dinosaurs everywhere and they would get him if he got out. But the problem was he didn't want the kids to leave his room. So when they would walk out he would go ballistic on them. So daddy reassured him that there were no dinosaurs to worry about. This gave us a good chuckle this morning the things that he comes up with sometimes just amuses us.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kicking like crazy....

I have so enjoyed the last three weeks of being pregnant. I am feeling like my old self and the baby is a very active little guy. I am almost 22 weeks and this baby kicks hard enough that I can see it and feel it on the outside. This might not be a big thing for most but when you are over weight to start out with they say sometimes you won't feel it as easy in the beginning. I started feeling the butterflies about 15 weeks and soon after I could feel movement. Now it just moves all the time and Lee can even feel him going crazy. I love to lay and just enjoy the movements, kicks and jabs. I am sure in another month or two I might be wishing it would settle down as it gets in my ribs. But for now I will just savor every moment.

On another note I decided to finish a quilt I started a long time ago. I am hoping to get this done, then start making a few things for the baby. I am really having a hard time not shopping for this little one. I want to go buy new onesies, gowns, socks, and all the necessities you need in the beginning. I am not one who is good about saving things, I usually will find someone who needs my things as I get done. Since usually after having a baby, I vow that thats the last one. I believe I have said that twice now. Oopps here I go again, it is so true that you forget or just go insane and do it again. All of my kids have been planned so I can't say they ever were a oops baby. Sometimes it just took longer than what we would of liked. I don't mean to bore anyone with my pregnancy I just want to someday look back and remember the things that meant so much to me.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I Want to.. I Want tooo....

One of my deepest desires is to be able to breast feed this little baby that I am carrying. I have tried with the others and have never been very successful. When Elisha was little I only tried for a day or so then I got scared when he lost some weight so I put him on the bottle. I was a new mom who had just lost a child 10 months before and couldn't bear the thought of doing anything wrong. When I had Stormie I had learned so much more information so I stuck it out for awhile. But I soon got breast fever and was really sick and still young and scared that I would make her sick. So she went to the bottle after a few months. When I was pregnant with Samuel I was so determined that I just knew I was going to do so much better, since I was older and more wiser. I was able to nurse him for only three months and the cracking and bleeding never eased up it just keep getting worse. So I would try to pump so at least he would get the good milk. Then one day I looked at the bottle and it was filled with pink milk. This really bothered me that I was feeding my son my blood in his milk. So I stopped and went to formula again. But I am determined to try this again. Something deep inside me wants to do this so bad. Sometimes I think I will keep having babies until I can accomplish breast feeding. Sounds crazy I know, but I can't help but want to. I do all the reading I can find on ways to help me out. I get so jealous of those women who have no difficulties but for me it has always been a trial. And I know that I am not the only women who has been challenged with this. So for those of you who understand I am sorry and for those who don't count your blessings. So I pray that this baby will know how to latch on right and be a wonderful breast feeding baby.

I am reading different things on how to prepare early so maybe this will all help. Sorry to bore you all but it is something I really would like to do.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I must say that I am a morning person. I love how in the mornings when my little man comes to me to cuddle. How he holds my face and tells me that he loves me. How his sweet little face can put a smile all over my face. I feel sad at times when I think of how when my older kids were young and I didn't enjoy each stage of there life as much as I have with Samuel. I was always so busy with life. Now all I want to do is savor each moment of my kids. I catch myself paying more attention to all the details of my pregnancy. Enjoying the moments of little movements the baby makes, holding Samuel when ever he asks. Savoring the moments is what is important right now.

Monday, May 12, 2008


We are still waiting to hear when our closing will be. The people buying our house ran into a few glitches. So we are being patient and trying to work with them. We have just decided it wasn't for us to move this month. So we are hoping for next month. Things are still going slowly, we actually decided to do some more packing today and the house is getting cleaned out except for furniture, kitchen necessities, and a suit case of clothes for each of us. The closets are on the verge of being empty. And all those little nuk and cranies are being cleaned out. We are really praying about a home to move into out there. We are so torn on the idea of renting or buying. Our emotions keep going back and forth on which route we should take. We know that God has a plan and I just hope that we make the right decision. Sometimes we are bad about just doing. Actually this is the longest it has taken for us to do anything. Usually we have a idea and just react on it, but this move has been in the Lords hand the whole time.

I am know almost 21 weeks and I feel so good. My energy has returned, and I feel like my old self. The baby is moving and kicking all the time, and this is such a wonderful feeling. I am one of those who love to be pregnant but the delivery is something I could do with out. But its something that is a must to get the baby here. I keep praying that things will be different this time, but I always say that. I guess every birth has been different but always a difficult process for me. Elisha was my easiest but I had had a baby just 10 months before and I think my body was still in that mode. I will just keep praying for the best and keep enjoying my pregnancy through this move and transition in our lives.

I know some of you are wondering if this move will ever happen. I am here to say eventually it will happen....

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Another Day

This is a song that my husband wrote, so here he is singing it for us. I think he did a wonderful job.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Early Mothers Day for me.......

I decided that I was going to get my hair all natural. So I went to my cousin and had it turned back to normal, no more crazy hair at least for now. Lee was very pleased with the outcome. I must admit I like it also. So here is a picture of me with just plain brown hair. No two tons or high lights for now.

This last weekend my cousin and his wife came down for the night and the next morning we went shopping for her birthday present. In our little adventure she was wanting a purse, by the way this is so up my alley. So off to the mall shopping for purses. My wonderful husband likes to buy me things so he bought me some perfume called summer cocktail by Givenchy and it smells devine. Then he went ahead and let me buy a new purse and wallet. I so love it, It is very neutral and goes with so much. Thanks honey for spoiling me.


My sweet little angel has turned over night to a little monster at times. All of the sudden he has decided to test me and see who will get the last word. The last few times that I have took him to wal-mart has been a utter disaster. No joke, you no those kids who are screaming at the top of there lungs throwing there bodies all over the place. Ya thats us, I am the mom who wants to pull her hair out, crawl under something and hide. The only thing that will half way calm him down is when I call daddy to talk to him. Then he shuts up for a little while. Three weeks ago I would of took him to town over all my kids but now I can't stand the thought of even going. Believe me he doesn't get away with the fits he gets in plenty of trouble. I am not one who likes to spank in public because so many people thinks it is abuse, but I believe it is necessary at times or else you are raising the next menace to society. Samuel has decided that when he has pushed us to far to ask us if we want him to kiss us to see if we will forget the moment of fit throwing before. He is so adorable but the fits are too much for me to handle. I so hope we can get past this before the new baby comes. My boys seem to have a bit of a temper that I am learning to control. I want them to be sweet men who can control there tempers and keep them in tact. I have heard that Lee had the same problem as a kid but I must say his parents did something right he is patient with me and with the men who work for him. He also told me once that seeing all the fighting at church in his youth taught him so much. He could see were it didn't fix the problems. I just pray that my boys grow up to as good as there dad.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Walking... YES....

I have decided that I am going to make myself go on a walk. I know this isn't a big thing but for me right now it is. This pregnancy has been a little harder than the others. I am sure it is due to being older and over weight. And I sure don't want to see the scales going up. It is very depressing to me. I have plenty of meat on this body to feed the baby. So maybe if I walk and try to stay away from the candy bars maybe I will do a little better. I am not a over eater I just sometimes or maybe all the times seem to eat the wrong things. So I have a goal of making good decisions on my eating starting today. This baby needs fruits and vegetables to make it strong and healthy right. Now let me say I have only gained around 4 pounds so far but the scales are still depressing me a lot. Maybe I should take sky's way of dieting and portion my food out. I probably would do so much better. Sorry to bore you all with my thoughts this morning. I think this is on my mind and I need to write it down so maybe I will stick to my decision. By the way the walk this morning was so nice. I only did a mile but it was a refreshing way to start my morning.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good-bye baby, Hello big boy!


It seems like yesterday my baby was a baby. Not anymore he is now become superman the potty trained three year old. I miss those diaper changing days. Who would of ever thought that would be. I miss him wanting me to rock him. I miss him needing me for everything. Now he has Stormie and Elisha and they are who he needs most. He wants them all the time. He can't stand it if they go anywhere with out him. He will just bawl for them. Good bye baby and Hello big boy.. Momma loves you!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


One of the things that happened this week was a little road block. The people who are buying our house got a call from there lender telling them they couldn't give them the loan. Can you believe it, they were approved, already paid for a appraiser had there down ready to pay. They were devastated with the news. I was really surprised that I wasn't real upset. I told myself that the Lord had a plan and to leave it up to him. I told the lady not to worry and we would work things out. She started making some phone calls and had another lender tell her today that they would finance the house for her. GOOD NEWS!!! So we are going to still pray about things and leave it in the Lords hands. The move might be postponed a few weeks, the different things that has happened is leading us to feel this way. We still have some business that has come up that we have to take of. I think the devil is definitely trying to stop this move. But I felt like this was going to happen since the day we moved away 11 years ago. I just didn't know when and I am very excited about this new adventure. I will miss my family and friends but doing the Lords will is what is most important in life.

Monday, April 21, 2008


What in the world is going on lately? I know with out a shadow of doubt what we are supposed to be doing. But it seems like the devil is really working overtime right now.. This weekend has been quite the ordeal and today has been even worse. Things seem to be falling apart. I get things set in my mind on how things are going to go and then they fall apart. So if you guys don't mind we could use a few prayers right now. I am trying really hard not to let the devil get the best of me.. I really don't feel like posting all the details right now.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I Can't believe it my baby is already three. Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday he was born. We didn't do a whole lot for his birthday this year. We went to my brothers and had cake and played with the kids. Then we let him open his presents at home with just us. It was so cute he was really into opening presents. My mom took him shopping for his present from her and he chose two snakes that he loves dearly. She got him a stuffed alligator that he is sleeping with at night and some other reptile thing. But all in all he enjoyed everything and today is his official birthday. Grandma Bosch and Aunt Chantel are coming down this morning so Grandma Bosch will take him shopping later. What a spoiled little man I have on my hands. But thats o.k. he's only little for a short time. I love you Samuel and Happy Birthday baby......

Samuel opening his presents....

Him and his snake that he loves...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

So Much!

Can you believe it, it is almost time to get out of our house. And I still have so much to do. I am trying really hard to get school finished. We are working really hard at it. I am trying to get all of our business stuff together and ready. And I still have so much packing to do.. But the time is creeping up on me. And I am starting to feel the pressure. I had new tires put on Lee's trailer this week and he put a new thingy on the front. Not to sure what its called so I will call it a thingy... I got us a storage on monday so we have a place to put our stuff until we are ready to head out. So this week has been very productive but there is just so much to do, and if I get overwhelmed I seem to go blank. And I must admit every time I am pregnant I seem to lose brain cells. So I am trying really hard to be careful and do things right. But the Lord has been so good to me. I feel as if my strength has increased so much lately and that is such a blessing. I have been able to be out of the house all day long at times running errands and have still felt decent when I get home. So its time to go and start packing something....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Family Day

With the move coming so close, I decided that I wanted to spend some time with my family. So me and my mom planned on having a bbq with my brother and his family. My kids and Brians kids all have birthdays coming up so we wanted to let the kids spend some together. With Samuels birthday being around the corner (thursday) my mom made him a cake. It was so adorable, I think she does a very good job.

She put Samuels face on looked way to cool.

Here he is again on his cake.

Didn't she do a wonderful job.

Stormie and Heather so enjoy posing together.

After we had food, cake and ice cream the dads went to the back yard with the boys and played some flag football. They had so much fun!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Aquarium Time..

Last year me and Lee bought a aquarium pass and the time has gone by so fast that I just realized it was about to expire. So we decided we needed to take the kids one last time. So Sunday afternoon we meet Aunt Chantel and Uncle Dale and went to the aquarium. It was a nice relaxing afternoon and Samuel so loved seeing all the fish and different creatures that they have there. I took some pictures of the fun, so here it is....

This is a picture of the octopus who is usually in hiding. But they were cleaning is cage and feeding him so he came out of hiding. So I had to take a picture to show you all. Samuel was very interested in this thing.

Stormie is always striking a pose!

The kids looking at the otters.

Daddy and Samuel

We decided it was time to leave and we saw this fake alligator so decided to take a few pictures on our way out. Here are my kids being silly as usual....

Thank you Uncle Dale and Aunt Chantel for going with us. We had a really nice time.

We later went to visit Bro. Colin and Sis. Teresa and Stormie decided to play ball outside with some of the kids. By the way she had a blast. But she came in at one time with tears in her eyes and had a black eye. I personally thought it was very weird how good she was acting about it. If it would of been Elisha who did it she would of acted like she was dying. But no it was a friend and it was a accident so she was a big girl. So now I know she is over exaggerating when it comes to her brother. Nice to know.....Here is a picture of her and her new eye..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy Day!

Today was such a busy day for us. We woke up this morning and had so much to do on our list (mental list). More might of got accomplished if I would actually write things down. But hey that is Chantel's thing not mine. So off to the bank, Lowes, and then Lee had to work on a job for a few hours so we went with him. He is redoing a shower for a elder at our church so I like to go and visit with his wife.

She is such a sweet lady, she lost her eye sight about 6 years ago. So she depends on her husband for so much. She is such a good example to me of faith. She lost one of her sons to cancer right before her eye sight left, he was also such a good example of faith. I remember when we first moved here we would go over and visit this young brother and his wife. They were such a amazing couple, they were married and not to long later she was expecting. There baby didn't make it and he had to take care of her for awhile after the delivery. Not to long after that he fell and hurt himself. He suffered with this for quite awhile until he passed. But the example they were to so many is just amazing. I was visiting with his mom today and she told me that she had questioned God about how come things like her son dying and her losing her eye sight would happen to someone who has always been a good person. She said not to long later she got a prophesy that told her how she had asked this and he told her how his son had died on the cross to be an example. She said that she only mentioned it to her husband and how amazing it was that God heard her and told her he required her and her son to be an example. This sister and her husband are such an amazing couple who has been thru so much in life but still hold to faith.

After Lee finished laying the tile we headed out to get haircuts for the boys and Lee. They were looking pretty shaggy. I got so tickled at Samuel. He said he was getting a ( hair cup )... Kids say things in the cutest ways sometimes.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Our other child

This little dog is such a sweet little guy. I just love his little face, it is so angelic. I know have showed him before but hey he is one of our kids.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One down......

I woke up this morning and started my packing..... I feel like I accomplished a lot today. I only got 4 boxes packed but I went thru all my school stuff that I had out and organized it and packed it. Now I packed all the books stuff, since we did computer school this year we still are finishing that. One of my goals accomplished. Now it is time to tackle the kids closets. Hopefully I can start that tomorrow. We are still doing school and cleaning and cooking during all of this. So I can only do so much before I wipe out for the day. But it does feel good to at least get it started.

I have felt real good the last couple of days. A little tired but that is to be expected. I am getting so anxious for things to finally happen. Wow can you believe it we will be moved, hopefully before the end of May. We would like to take off around the middle of May if we can. So much to do still, to get ready for this move. I still need to finish the business stuff for us to start getting work once we move. I seem to get started on it and it takes up so much time that it is hard for me to get started again the next day. But I will get this done, I always do.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Packing time........

It is time to start packing again, I feel as if all I have done the past year is pack and move. I am hoping this will be the last time for a long while. This move will be more work but I feel like it is such a good move for me and Lee spiritually. I am looking forward to living in a small assembly again. I have always felt that the day would come that we would move back. It has been 11 years since we left and know it is time to return. It astonishes me when I think of all the things that I feel that the Lord showed me.

I have decided to start by packing the closets and the little things that we really don't need to keep out. So I am hoping to get that all done real soon. I talked to the title company yesterday and things are moving right along. The couple buying our house are shopping for the house, they came and looked at the windows to plan for curtains. They are very excited about the house and that does make me happy. I really wanted someone to buy the house who would love it and appreciate all the hard work we put into this house.

In other news I am also trying to get school rapped up for the year. My kids have had a really good year this year. I am astonished how easily multiplication came to Stormie. How Elisha has took off with his school. He does most of it with out my help, he is good about reading the information and understanding how to do it. This has been one of the easiest years for us, and I pray that next year will be the same. I did start school early last year which made it easier for us to take different times off when needed. I hope that I will be moved before the school convention out there. So ladies let me know, I would really like to go. I have Stormies school already but I need to decide what all I want to do for Elisha. He would like to do books this next year instead of computer. And since he is such a good reader and loves it with a passion I would like to do that for him.

I was so excited last night, I was lying on the couch relaxing and this little baby started moving so much. It actually shocked me a little. I have felt butterflies and little things like that but this felt like there was a fight going on. It did it twice and then stopped. I now it wasn't gas because I had some of that to and it was a total different feeling. There is no kicking yet but this was a real neat experience. It is always amazing to know that a baby is growing inside of you. When I get discouraged about being so tired I just tell myself that I am making a miracle inside of me and that is the most important thing right now. I feel so blessed that God has allowed me to carry another baby. And I am so excited to get to see this little one... I have really enjoyed being a mom and I think this is the best gift.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blah Blah Blah..... My ramblings......

This pregnancy has been so exhausting for me this time. Not sure if it is because I am not 20 any more, had a miscarriage a few months ago, or just because I am over weight. It probably is a combination of all the above. I am just so happy when I have those days that I get things accomplished and don't lay in bed all day. I can slowly tell that I am feeling better every day. When we was at the taste of home show I couldn't even sit in the chair the whole time, I had to go sit on the floor or lean against the wall. I am only 3.5 months and I feel like I should be 6 months.

I was so glad that I got up this morning and got ready for church early. Since I haven't felt the best this pregnancy it is easy to talk myself out of going to church. I usually don't miss, but I am running around trying to get everyone ready because I get lazy and lay in bed trying to talk myself out of going. But this morning I woke up bright and early and got ready. We had such a good meeting today and I so needed it. I needed to hear some solid preaching and all those wonderful testimonies.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Taste of Home!

Me and a bunch of ladies went to the Taste of Home cooking show last night. It was so much fun, we learned lots of tips saw some yummy recipes. I can't wait to try some out. They gave us these nice little bags full of goodies when we walked in. I still need to go thru mine. I think there was around 17 of us in our group, and we won 7 prizes, I thought that was really neat. No I didn't win anything, but my mom and mother-in-law did. And my Aunt from California did so I thought that was real neat. I wish I could remember the some of the tips we learned... let me think.....

1. Spices get old, replace every 2 years.... I will during the packing...
2. Tear lettuce not cut
3. Cut brownies with plastic knife
4. When cooking a hen place on rack to add full flavor
5. Spray saran wrap with cooking spray while waiting for bread to rise, so it won't stick

Well this is the tips I remember, but I am sure Julie will remember more than me and she will probably post later so check her blog out later for more tips.

In other news I heard from the appraiser and he will be here on Monday morning so things are going smoothly. We just need to start packing and getting ready for this move. Its a little hard for me right now, we moved this time last year and was moving on Samuels birthday and it looks like the same situation this year. We have a birthday in April, May and June. Right in the middle of our big move across country.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

He is done!

I believe Samuel is fully potty trained. We have gone several weeks with no accidents. He goes to the bathroom all by himself, I just have to watch him when he does # 2 because he doesn't know how to wipe. Ewwww...... I think this is one of the other things I disliked about potty training. They can make a huge mess if your not careful.. So far we haven't had any but I am just waiting. I am very proud of him. A light clicked in his head and he just took off...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Well I must say that I have a nothing to post about right know. Not sure but I think my mind is running full speed one week and the next week I can't think of a thing to post. So for now I will just not post until my brain starts working again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blessed Morning!!

I feel so blessed this morning. Every time I get on my blog and see the baby count down it touches my heart. I have started my second trimester and this feels like a milestone for me, since just 6 months ago I had a miscarriage. I was doing the math the other day and figured out that I will be giving birth to this child a year from the time I had my miscarriage. It feels like such a blessing from God. I remember when we had our first child and he was stillborn how empty my arms were. Then we ended up expecting a month later. What joy this brought to me. And what a blessing my Elisha is to me. He didn't take the place of Elijah he just filled the empty arms. I feel that God has all control and that he watches over us and knows our needs.

Not sure why I felt to write this but it is what is on my mind and heart. Thank you Lord for the blessings of my children and there health.

Monday, March 24, 2008


It has been a long time coming but it looks like the time is finally almost here. We have signed papers and are in a contract on our house. We feel as if the Lord has worked all this out for us. We knew there was a lot to get done before this day would come. And now it is here, and it is almost hard to believe. In a short time we will be packing and moving back to Oregon were me and Lee started our lives together. We even had another person come and she also was interested in the house. We got her name and number as a back up if for some reason things would fall apart. But we feel like this is it, they seem very excited. And we are thrilled to be moving on to the next phase of our life. I was getting real worried about getting to far along and having a hard time moving. So it looks like we will be moved before that.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

The Bosch's Easter 2008!

Grandpa and Grandma with all the kids who came and spent Easter with them.

Elisha looking for eggs, lots of money and candy to be found.

Samuel hunting eggs even though he wasn't feeling very good.

Stormie hunting eggs, her basket was so full she was using her arms now.