Friday, June 13, 2008

Gods Mercy to my man!

You all know that Lee hurt his ankle a few weeks back. I took a picture of it about a week after he did it. I wish I would of thought to take one when it was first done. But this is when the healing was taking place. He is so much better now. He does have a slight limp but that is o.k. I teased him about being toble and me being woble. What a couple we make walking down the street. God has had so much mercy on him. His ankle still has a knot around it. But the swelling has gone out of his foot. He has a slight swelling in his leg. But nothing to complain about. Thanks for all the prayers we really appreciate it.


Chantel H said...

I am so thankful that Lee is doing better and is able to get around. It is a blessing!

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

I'm so glad to hear he's doing better! That looks painful!!

Jules said...

I'm also so happy that he's doing so much better. I know how bad it was the first day, it was HUGE. I hope it continues to get better :)

melissa said...

ouch!!!that looks painfull so glad god had mercy and he is doing much better

Sis Stubby said...

Thanks be to God he is doing better. That does look painful.

Trina said...

Yikes, that looks painful!! Im so glad that he is doing better finally. Ohhhh the trials....Keep pushing on. ((HUGS))

Sylvia said...

I am thankful God had so much mercy on him. I hope it continues to improve.

marykathryn said...

I am so glad that he is feeling better!! So that means that you guys are still on schedule right??
Hope so!!

Shannon said...

That's great to hear he's doing better.