Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Working Man

Our little boy loves to work with tools. He always is busy getting into something. When ever he sees his daddy working with tools he is so interested. So Lee found him this cute work outfit awhile back and I just found the picture so I had to post it for all to see my wonderful baby at work.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Ice Storm

Wow, how the time just flies bye. I feel as if life has been so crazy lately, and I haven't had the time to get on the computer as much. Well thats not all true I have been on but doing other things. I discovered how to do itunes and I got another addiction. That can be a bad one if I ain't careful. We just got our electric back on tonight and I must say that I love electricity. We had a ice storm here about a week ago and we just got our power back. We are so spoiled now a days. We have internet, cable, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Living with out these things is so hard but do able. I sent my laundry to my mom once to get it done. Know we have the chore of getting our yard cleaned up and clearing out all the tree brush that we have every where. The town of Drumright had to shut off the water for a few days so we went with out water for awhile. We have some wonderful friends who gave us a place to stay.

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This is a picture of the tree that decided to come down.

I didn't get a good picture of the tree on our trailer and the one on our roof. We will have lots of fun cleaning the mess and fixing the guttering that is coming down due to this tree. But the good thing is it feel on Lee's truck and and it didn't harm his truck at all. He had to get in the truck and back out quickly while the tree fell the rest of the way down. Since we had a inch of ice on the truck it didn't scratch it.

I am thankful for the gas fireplace that kept us warm and the water to flush the toilets. I am thankful that we was able to buy a generator to keep our food from going bad. God truly watched over us in this time.

I am also thankful that God keeps letting us know that we will be moving to Oregon in time. It is stressful not knowing when but I believe with all my heart he has a plan. And I must say we fail time after time but I know he is here with me letting me know the time is coming and to just be patient. I tell myself we have sold one house and the other one is almost done and will be ready to sell soon. So just remember us in your prayers we need them tremendously.