Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Working Man

Our little boy loves to work with tools. He always is busy getting into something. When ever he sees his daddy working with tools he is so interested. So Lee found him this cute work outfit awhile back and I just found the picture so I had to post it for all to see my wonderful baby at work.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Ice Storm

Wow, how the time just flies bye. I feel as if life has been so crazy lately, and I haven't had the time to get on the computer as much. Well thats not all true I have been on but doing other things. I discovered how to do itunes and I got another addiction. That can be a bad one if I ain't careful. We just got our electric back on tonight and I must say that I love electricity. We had a ice storm here about a week ago and we just got our power back. We are so spoiled now a days. We have internet, cable, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Living with out these things is so hard but do able. I sent my laundry to my mom once to get it done. Know we have the chore of getting our yard cleaned up and clearing out all the tree brush that we have every where. The town of Drumright had to shut off the water for a few days so we went with out water for awhile. We have some wonderful friends who gave us a place to stay.

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This is a picture of the tree that decided to come down.

I didn't get a good picture of the tree on our trailer and the one on our roof. We will have lots of fun cleaning the mess and fixing the guttering that is coming down due to this tree. But the good thing is it feel on Lee's truck and and it didn't harm his truck at all. He had to get in the truck and back out quickly while the tree fell the rest of the way down. Since we had a inch of ice on the truck it didn't scratch it.

I am thankful for the gas fireplace that kept us warm and the water to flush the toilets. I am thankful that we was able to buy a generator to keep our food from going bad. God truly watched over us in this time.

I am also thankful that God keeps letting us know that we will be moving to Oregon in time. It is stressful not knowing when but I believe with all my heart he has a plan. And I must say we fail time after time but I know he is here with me letting me know the time is coming and to just be patient. I tell myself we have sold one house and the other one is almost done and will be ready to sell soon. So just remember us in your prayers we need them tremendously.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Well this last weekend I went to Branson with my mom and sister-in-law. It was nice to get away for awhile, but I must say it always makes me feel so guilty. I went to get my mind relaxed and it did not do it. So much happened in the weekend I was gone that I couldn't relax. All I could think about was my friend Charlotte who was in a car accident and my friend Molly who had her first baby. I tell you what, I feel as if I am the worst friend at times. I did do some shopping and it was nice to shop with out kids. I didn't find much though a baby gift here and there some clothes for the kids and me. But no christmas shopping was achieved. I so am not in the mood to christmas shop. But it is getting time to get it done.

You will not believe what happened to me on friday. I was headed to Tulsa to pick up some checks for Lee. And my van started over heating. What you say, Oh ya it is a 2007, we should have no problems right. Well is there a warranty? NO we have already put 47,000 miles on this thing. So it went into the shop to be fixed. I was expecting a outrageous bill. Thank God it was just a fuse so it won't cost much to get it out. So it is Tuesday morning and I am going to Tulsa to pick it up. Yaa what would I do without my van? We live in it more than we live in our house at times.

When I got home last night I went to see Charlotte and she is a amazing woman. She needs all the prayers she can get her back is broke and it will take awhile to heal. We just pray that God will make her whole again. We also went to see John and Molly's baby, he is so cute with a head full of hair. That kid needs a haircut and he is only 2 days old. My kids were always bald. Well its time to go. Just thought I would catch you all up on me.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sleepy bye

My little Samuel loves to climb in boxes, totes, laundry baskets, anything that makes him feel closed in. One night he got real quite and we found him asleep in this tote. I thought he looked adorable but very uncomfortable. So I took a quick picture and we moved him to his bed. So here is a picture of my little man.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007


I have a weird tendency to want to shop when I don't feel so good. If I am moody, sad, sick or I guess I should just say any good excuse to shop is a good one for me. Well the other day I was stuck in on a sunday so what did I do. Oh ya I went shopping. No I did not get out of the house I sat on my couch and shopped with the t.v. and QVC. I must say it could become a very bad habit for me. When I told Trina what I did she said I should post a picture so I decided to be a good sport and show you all my new purchases.

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O.k. let me tell you what I have here. I bought the kitchen aid chopper. The aero garden (this thing will grow fresh lettuce, herbs, strawberries on your counter top) I am so excited about this purchase. We are growing mint, parsley, basil it is awesome. I got some ceramic serving dishes. A warmer for you food, I forgot to take a picture of that. A nice cast iron pot. Lets just say I did some serious shopping from my couch. I did get more stuff but as I am typing this I feel like a spoiled brat so I will stop and just say I enjoyed myself.

And by the way I feel so much better and thanks for your prayers. God has given much peace today.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


What can I say, life has been a roller coaster lately. I have so many things going on that I don't even know where to start. We are settled back into the house in Drumright. The house in Sapulpa is a done deal. We did the closing yesterday. I must say that God surely worked that one out. It was such a smooth transaction. The couple who bought our house was amazed how all there furniture seemed to fit so perfectly. And I must say it looks amazing with all her stuff in it. I so love just having one house payment again. It is so nice and less stressful. Why we had two, still not quite sure at times. It was nice living up there for last 6 months though. So we are back to living by ourselves again. I must say time has flown by and I will be ready to move on when the good Lord sees fit. He has a lot to work out for us. But I have all confidence in him.

On another note I have had a really bad day last night and today. The devil is tormenting my mind and I know it is him. I just need to have a little more faith in God. So if you think about me just say a little prayer I am needing it. I don't want to go into to much detail on here but those of you who I am close to know what I am talking about. This is my trial right know that I must bear I just hope I can do it accordingly. I will post some on the house soon I just haven't felt up to down loading the pictures yet. I am sorry hopefully soon though.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Yes I have finally moved and my internet is up and running. I will be posting some pictures as soon as I can. We are still working on this house and getting things organized. I didn't get to take all the pictures I wanted to because I simply got busy and forgot. Thanks to Chantel we got a lot done and moved. She was a life saver.

I am still having some problems so life has felt as if it is on hold. But I feel good and Elisha is finally better. We have been very blessed lately.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Clutter be gone!

Lately it has felt as if my life has been one long trial. Every time I think things are getting better something else happens. I must say normally we are a very healthy family. But this last month and a half has been a different story. I keep telling myself what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger. And so far we are all still alive. On a good note my Elisha is doing much better and I am so thankful for this. I sometimes don't appreciate him enough and lately I have realized how much this little man does for me. He is such a good boy who wants to please his momma. He helps me out so much with the house and Samuel.

I am going to "will" myself to feel better. And get things done today. So wish me luck! I will take a picture of all the work I must do. Lets just say we never finished setting things up in the house when we moved here. We were waiting on the shop to get empty. So the garage has slowly gotten full. With stuff!!!

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thursday Get Here!

I am so excited to see my sister in law Chantel. She is a lifesaver, she is coming out on thursday to help me with this move. We have so much to do. I am hoping to have some of it done before she gets here. But there is so much to do. I am so glad she agreed to come and help. I hope she knows how much I appreciate it. So I just thought I would say THANK YOU!!! And oh ya thanks to Dale for parting with her for just a week. I promise I will let her return...hehehe.......

They are starting to move some stuff out of the shop today and I am so glad. We have lived in this house for almost 7 months and during that time we have not been using the shop. The previous owners asked to use it for about 3 months and we agreed. And know the next thing we know it has been almost 7 months and they are still not out. I am hoping they will be all out by monday but that might be wishful thinking. I sure hope not. Mind you they are real sweet people with good excuses for the delay. And we have been very patient but our time of owning it is limited.

Hurry up thursday I want Chantel here!

Friday, October 5, 2007

God sent a Angel!

I was reflecting on the past month and all the trials that has come our way. At the end of August Lee got sick. And soon after that Elisha got the same bug Lee had. It seemed to last forever at least to me it did. When my men started to feel better I got sick with the same thing. Lee's cousin Tiffany had planned for awhile to come up and spend a week with me. So I prayed that I would feel good while she was here. She got here on a Tuesday evening and the next day on Wednesday I had my miscarriage. As I reflect back I believe God sent her here to help me. She was amazing to help fix things to eat, help take care of the kids, run them some where if needed. And help clean the house when needed. She was my angel that I needed.

On another note in between this time Lee got poison sumac. That stuff is a mess it is just miserable to have. He suffered with it for awhile. When he felt better and hunting season got here. Of course he couldn't resist the urge to go back into the woods. But as we all know he is a wonderful father who wants to share this experience with his oldest son. So on monday evening (opening day) my two men suited up to out in the woods. They saw nothing but had a good time together. Well on wednesday morning when Elisha woke up I noticed he had a rash on his face. Nothing to big but I just knew he got into something out in the woods. By thursday his face was swollen. Of course we know what it is since daddy just had this a few weeks ago. He has poison sumac also. It is friday morning and he looks my little monster (ogar). He is not to fond of that word. I tease him it is just in time for Halloween. No need in buying him a costume. hehehe..... But seriously my heart goes out to him. This is miserable to have. He is such a good boy who does not complain. He just must wait for the process to leave his body.

This is just another reason I am so glad to sell the land and move back to Oregon. Lee gets poison Ivy almost every year since he has decided to be a hunter. And it is a trial for me to have the patience with it. I might not have the pain of it but it hinders so many things in our life when he gets it.

But on a happy note we are on the mend of all this sickness. We are about to move back to Drumright and hopefully the house will get done sooner with us there and sell fast.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Praying Helps

I was getting a little sad the other day so I said a little prayer to the Lord in my head. I have known for a long time that we were going to move to Oregon. Well now I know for sure God gave us that confirmation that we were wanting. But now we have this waiting game going on. Every now and then I will doubt myself about this move. Why is it taking so long? Is the house in Drumright ever going to get done? When is things going to fall in place? When is our family going to be well? Like I said so many questions to myself. So I said this little prayer to the Lord. And guess what happened today? I got a phone call telling us that the house should be ready to close in 1-2 weeks. So know we have to get in gear. This was a sign from God to motivate us and get things done sooner.

I am so excited yet so overwhelmed at the same time. But who can be picky. I am ready to see some progress. So starting tomorrow I will start going thru things and packing what I can. So just say a prayer for me that I have the strength to get things done. And yes I will have some help. My wonderful Sister-in-law Julie is coming to help tomorrow. Thanks Julie! I will try to remember to take pictures of our mess to show you what I have gathered over the years.

The sum of this post is that this little prayer put much peace in my heart. One house almost gone, just one more to go.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Things we buy!

My husband saw a commercial the other day on the new monopoly game. So he of course had to buy it. I must say it is pretty cool. They do it with a credit card. No money mess! I hate how you have all this money everywhere. The kids and Lee played the other day and had so much fun. So maybe now I can sell some of our old monopoly games (monopoly jr., reg. monopoly, star wars monopoly). This is a pick of my family having a fun game night.

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Hunting Season/ Anniversary

It is official it is Hunting Season here in Oklahoma. And yes my husband is hunter. I am praying I have the patience with him this year. We have so much to do and the time is getting close for things to be getting done. He decided to go out in our woods with Elisha this evening. So hopefully they will at least see something. Praying they bring a dear home for dinner.

On another note yesterday was my 12th anniversary. We didn't do anything but spend the day together. Lee went out and bought us some dinner and brought it home to me and he brought me some beautiful flowers. I must say despite his hunting he is a good husband who spoils me rotten. So maybe I should have some patience with him. Besides I love the deer meat. It is my favorite so maybe I shouldn't complain. I am just used to him always being with me. This is what happens when your spoiled, your wife complains when she doesn't get her way.

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These are the beautiful flowers my honey bought me.

Sooo Tired of being down!

If any of you really know me, then you know I can't stand to be cooped up. But I still am, every time I get out I come home so wore out. I went to Sam's with my husband to pick up a few grocery items. Mind you Lee did almost everything. I just walked around and I felt like I ran a marathon. I can't seem to get my energy back. Then all the sudden my body decided to get a head cold on top of everything else. I plan on staying in as much as possible this week. But I better be feeling good by next week I have a house to pack up. And a yard sale to get ready for. Thank you for all your prayers and I am sure I will be better soon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It Happened!

Well it is Thursday morning and it I thought I would let you all know the latest news about me. I haven't felt the best since monday evening. I started spotting so I decided to stay off of my feet for awhile. Well as it has turned out my body and this baby didn't mix well. So for know we are not going to have a baby after all. I was only six weeks so this tells me that something wasn't right and I would much rather loose it early on than later. God has given me such peace with this. I must say I am a little sad but only a little. Because I know God knows what's best for me and I trust him fully. I know will be busy with our moving and getting things in order. I am sure another baby is in our future, but we will wait till the good Lord lets it happen in his own time. Thanks for all the comments and the care.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Not Again

It is Monday afternoon and I just got home from going to town and running errands. I took the two boys and meet Lees mom so they can spend the night with her. Well of course Samuel was asleep when I meet her. So as usual I decided to pick him up in his car seat and move him so he wouldn't wake up. After I did that I started cramping a little. Not a smart move right. Sometimes you do things automatically. Well I got home and started spotting a little. Not a good sign since I am only 6 weeks along. So I guess I will stay down with my feet up. Wow it is so hard when things don't go how you would like them. So I just ask that you all say a little prayer. I don't want to do anything that would be harmful to this child. But I will understand if God decides that it is not time for us to have another. Only time will tell and until then I will take care of me and this baby.

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's Official

I am sick!!! No not with morning sickness but with a sore throat like Lee had. I feel horrible. I have no voice to yell at my kids with. That is very hard by the way. How will I get anything done with out, yelling out orders. I can't sleep, it hurts to swallow, poor me. Now I know how Lee felt. Hopefully he is more sympathatic with me. So life goes on and here I am blogging instead of talking on the phone.
I guess I will lay around and be a total bum today. I might not even get dressed for the day. I will stay in my p.j's. That sounds nice, hopefully nobody comes over.hehehe.... Oh well if the do at least I have my undergarments on right (Trina).

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mercy of others!

As most of you know I am pregnant. And that we are planning to move to Oregon as soon as the Lord allows. But the problem is that I know have to what for others to help me. Nobody wants me painting at the house in Drumright. So my wonderful mom and sister in law Julie has been helping me out on that. Well then there is the whole issue of packing. Nobody wants me lifting. So as you can tell I am at the mercy of others. I am so glad I have so many who care and will help. But it will have to be at there time not mine. I feel as if there is so much to do and I don't quit no where to start. So for know I will just sit back and pray that the Lord just works it all out the way he wants. My wonderful husband has done all the packing in times past. The first few years of our marriage I was always pregnant and he did it all down to the unpacking the same day we moved in. He is very helpful and I am very blessed with that. I think the packing will need to wait a little longer anyways. I don't want to have a huge packing mess all over my house I think it would drive me nuts. I just am ready for the house in Drumright to be done so we can put it up on the market. I feel as if we are so close but yet so far away at the same time. So just remember us in this time of our lives. I feel as if things are a whirl wind at times and we are just along for the ride.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


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Samuel singing his little heart out to us. I thought he was just way to cute!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Well saturday was my birthday and I am know officially 33. Wow where did the time go? I so can remember being 21 and getting ready for my wedding. And know I am 33 and 3 kids later with another on the way. My lovely husband has been sick for the last 3 weeks, but he still went ahead and took me out on saturday. He took me to Red Lobster for some lunch and then to the mall to buy me my birthday gift. We then went to the movies and then went home early. He was wore out. But at least he put a effort towards me. I so enjoyed some time alone with him. He even opened the doors for me. What a gentle man he is.

I just had to show you guys my birthday gift. I so love it. It is very unique.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cold Turkey

I decided to get off the soda. This is one of those things that I really enjoy, but is horrible for my body. When we found out that I was pregnant I went cold turkey. So know it has officially been 5 days and no pop. I haven't even gone to sonic even once. So I guess I will be saving some money also. I am hoping that I can keep up with this. I just would like to write this down so maybe it will give myself some reason to not give up. Especially since I told the whole blog world.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Secrets Out

Well we finally told the kids and parents our exciting news. WERE PREGNANT!!!! I always have these ideas that I will keep it a secret for awhile. But for some reason I have the hardest time keeping it to myself. So we are officially gonna have a baby, Lord willing. My due date is May 18, 2008. We are a very happy little family. The kids are excited and can't wait. Stormie of course wants a girl and Elisha wants a boy. Now for Samuel he isn't understanding the whole thing yet. He just says no baby. But he will adore this new one. Since I am already over weight with this pregnancy I am trying to be extra careful. I usually don't gain weight during my pregnancies so I am hopping for a no weight gain or even a loss. I decided to quite the soda cold turkey. And watch my sugar intake. So far I have done very well and have actually been losing a little bit of weight. I am hoping for the best pregnancy. But I have a lot to do such as moving. We believe the house in Sapulpa is a for sure on being sold. The couple who is buying our house have a couple buying theirs. They had a for sale sign out only 1 week in front of there yard. I do believe God is doing some wonderful things here. I had a feeling that I would end up pregnant while we were in the middle of this major move. And I was sure right. I believe God revealed this to me so I wouldn't be discouraged. He has blessed my family with so much and I am so thankful to him for this. The house in Drumright is coming along and I can't wait till it is done. This house is so amazing to me. I wish I could take it with me to Oregon and put it on some land. That would be so grand.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Girl Time

Last night was a girls night out for me and my little girl. We have been planning on spending some time together for some time know. We went to Barnes and Noble to look at the books and got us a coffee at the Starbucks. It was yummmy!!! We then went to Sam's to look around and met my sweet friend Silvia and her two girls for some girl time. The three little girls thought they were so big. We shopped for a little while then we went and got some dinner. We decided to go to Taco Bell and visit. The girls had such a wonderful time with each other. We hardly ever get to spend much time with them and this was such a special treat. We planned on going to the movies but I had a call that company was on there way over so we headed home. Bro. Edward and Sis. Vicki showed up with there daughter and her husband to look at the house. They are planning to buy our house if there's sells. They have had there house on the market for 1 week know. And have had lots of interest. They have a buyer coming back today between 1:00 and 2:00 to negotiate a price. So we are just praying that the Lord knows what we need to make this move. So I will let you all know if they get a contract. Prayyyyyyy Hardddd!!!!!!

As for the Drumright house it is still under construction. We are really trying to get this done. Things just don't always go as planned. So we will try to have patience and hopefully God will help take care of this for us.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


When will things fall into place? I have been so encouraged at times with the thought of this move. Things seem to happen that give me such a hope with amazement. Then the next thing I know they fall thru. We had a couple come and look at our house in Drumright about 3 weeks ago. They seemed so positive and even said they were going to check on financing. Well we haven't heard anything since. I know the house isn't quit ready yet anyways.

Then the couple who would like to buy our house in Sapulpa put there house up for sale on saturday and they had two calls that night. A few days later one of the ladies called back and asked them if she would buy the house if they could be out in 3 weeks. We said of course. She was supposed to go look at the house on Tuesday and she never showed up. Mind you she was 79 years old. So there is no telling what happened.

But I must say God has been so good to us. He has provided for us in so many ways. Our work has been a little slow since we have been home. But he has more than provided for us financially. We have had the money to fix on the house in Drumright and pay all our bills. Which is a crazy amount for living in Oklahoma. I can not wait till we have these houses sold and out of that debt. I keep waiting for something crazy wonderful to happen to us. Then I think about all the blessings we have already been given.

He gave us our answer after a long time of praying. I remember how I have always felt that the time would come when we would return to Oregon. But I just never knew when. When we went to Brewster in the winter I remember telling a room full of loved ones if they would all move back to Portland then I would be there. They all thought I was a little crazy. Well look who is crazy know Trina heheheh.... I feel as if I am just waiting to move on with my life. There has been so many little things that God has shown me. And I am so thankful that he is willing to hear my prayers and give me those answers I need from time to time.

For know we will keep working on the Drumright house and keep praying that the couple who would like to buy our house can sell theres. So all I ask is that you guys pray for us in this journey. Thanks !!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I am having problems with my internet lately and I might be with out internet very soon. I am trying to get out of my contract since I have such a hard time getting online. And when I do get online it is real slow or else I get kicked off often. Friday was a really bad day with the whole internet thing. So we will see what happens so if by chance I am not on here much it is because I got my way. So we will just pray about it and see what happens.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

"First Letter Of Your Name Tag"

Again as I was looking on the blogs tonight I noticed that Mary tagged me. So I decided to go ahead and get this tag rolling. So I worte it down got my amazing smart husband to help me. And did it! Here it goes people.

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following....questions...They must be REAL places, name, things...Nothing made up! If you can't think of anything skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Cherrie

1. Famous Athlete: Clyde Drexler (not sure who he is, but Lee said he was)

2. 4 letter word: cube

3. Street name: Colombia St,

4. Color: copper

5. Gifts/presents: Car (in my dreams heehhe)

6. Vehicles: chevy

7. tropical location: cancun

8. College majors: culinary

9. dairy products: cheese

10. Things in a souvenier shop: cards

11: boy name: Carl

12: girl name: Carla

13. Movie Titles: Cars

14. alcohol: cocktail

15. Occupation: carpenter

16. flowers: chrysanthemum ( that was a hard one)

17. celebrities: Charlie Sheen

18. magazines: cosmopolitan

19. U.S. Cities: Chicago

20. Pro Sports Team: Chiefs ( my honeys favorit team)

21. something found in a kitchen: can opener

22. reasons for being late: car trouble

23. something you throw away: cans

24. things you shout: COME HERE! ( all the time)

25. Cartoon Character: Charlie Brown

O.k know I will do some tagging

Nenna, Chantel, Teressa, Michelle Swank, Gail

Friday, August 31, 2007

Nice Matter Award

Thank you ladies for giving me this award. I feel very blessed to have so many wonderful friends. I believe everyone has already gotten this award. But if not all of my friends deserve this so come on over and get it. Thanks Trina for helping me with getting mine over to my blog.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Busy life but wonderful

Life has been so busy lately. We have been working on getting our house in Drumright ready to sell. So things have been very hectic. I have been so proud of my honey he has been working very hard to get things done. We have some friends who is very interested in our house in Sapulpa so we need to get there house sold in Tulsa. We had some granite laying around and figured out we had just enough to do there counter tops. So Lee redid there counters this weekend with the hopes that this will make there house easier to sell. We feel very strong that this will all work out. We just need to keep praying for the houses to sell. God has been so good to us lately. Watching Alexis and Austin getting baptized was beautiful. And that ordinance supper was amazing. There was 67 people there and it was amazing. Two more got baptized before the ordinance supper. Wow it was a beautiful thing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Where Are The Little Swimmers

When we was on our trip in Oregon. We let the little boys do some swimming outside. They were absoultly adorable playing together. The only problem is that there diapers couldn't with stand the water that they absorbed. Were are the little swimmers when you need them. So I got some really cute pictures of the boys with there diapers about to fall off. They will so love me someday when they see these pictures.

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Monday, August 20, 2007


As most of you already know, we feel as if the Good Lord would have for us to move to Portland Oregon. But before we can make this move we must sell two homes. Well this evening we went down to the house in Drumright to check things out. And we had a couple stop by to look at the house. This couple really likes the house and plans on seeing if they can buy it. So for know we are praying that the Lord works this out for them and for us. We are really hoping that we don't have to put the homes on the market. I have this feeling that God has such a wonderful plan and we just need to see what he has instore for us. I am praying for that miracle that God is going to show us. He already has done so many things that has just amazed me. God put this move in my heart for some time know. I have always felt that the time would come that we would move back. It amazes me how I feel at times. My family, friends, business and everything is here in this state. And I feel so strong that this is the right decision for our family. I just keep praying that the Good Lord works those miracles for us so we can make this move. I know he will but my flesh always tries to put doubt in there. I find it to be a miracle that someone is already interested in our house and we have not put it up for sale or even advertised it yet. Thank you God for giving us this miracle.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Samuel and Roman

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This is my baby Samuel and his new friend Roman playing in the pool.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well I got tagged by Trina. So I decided to go ahead and do this little game since I find them so interesting. I love reading little facts about everyone, so I might as well do mine. So here it goes.....

Here are the rules..

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don't have a middle name use the middle name you would of liked to have had.

3. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.

D= Oh boy this is a hard one, what can I say about me that starts with the letter
D. hmmm DELIGHTFUL..I always try to be delightful and pleasant around people
even when I don't feel good.

A= Able is the word I choose for this letter. I believe that I am able to do
anything as long as I have the Lord by my side.

W= I am Woman hear me roar!

N= Needy is the word I must put there. I am very needy when it comes to my husband.
I cherish my time with him and need my time with him.

This was way to easy, thank you mom for giving me such a easy middle name. So know I must tag 4 people so here it goes.

Michelle Gray
Michelle Swank


We have been on vacation for the last week and a half. So know I am home trying to get things back to normal. As most of you have already heard we are planning to move to Oregon. This has been something that has been on our minds for a long time. I have always felt that we would move back. I have been praying about this for such a long time and wondering when God would send us back. While we was on our trip God gave us our confirmation. And I must say it was a beautiful thing. God sent a blind elder over to Lee to give him a prophecy. I feel as if God had already told me but waiting on my husband was quite frustrating at times. So this was what Lee was waiting on, to tell him yes for sure. But before we can make this move we need the Lord to work some miracles with us. We have two houses to sell, so lets get those prayers in the air and those heads anointed people. I need all the help I can get so I don't go crazy thinking about all the work that must be done.

So on another note, we had a blast on our trip. And by the way thank you Trina and Dennis for having us in your home. We will always cherish the time we spent there and remember the hospitality you gave to us. And I can't wait till we get there!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So I was browsing on the blogs and noticed that Mary-Kathryn tagged me. So here it goes.


1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.

2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.

4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged and that they should read your blog.

My facts/habits:

1. I get very upset with myself when I do something that I feel could of been prevented. Such as making a error in the check book, forgeting to put the meat up (that I thawed for the next day). I am my worst critic.

2. I have a tendency to work my husband to death. But I will work just as hard right beside him. I get things in my head that I want done and don't let up that easy.

3. Before I got married I went through a real wild period in my life. I smoked about 2 packs of cigaretts a day. But when I met my husband I quit cold turkey and have never took it up again. This is my success story. It can be done with lots of prayer and will power.

4. My dad died when I was 16. It was the middle of my Junior year in high school. The next year we moved to Arkansas to live by my fathers family. So I went my senior year with a bunch of kids I didn't know and didn't grow up with. So I only went to the three classes that I had to have to graduate. Then I worked the rest of the time. I would work at least two to three jobs at a time to keep me busy.

5. I have never been to my dads grave site. And only to my babys grave site once. This is not something I am proud of but I feel as though there not really there.

6. I debate in my mind if I would like another baby. But the fear of labor is a big fear for me. I have never had a easy time and have always feared that someday I would die in child labor. And I am not sure if I am ready yet.

7. I was a cheerleader in my middle school days. And I was ables to do the splits. Not anymore though.

8. My worst habit is that I can't hardly stand to stay home. I enjoy getting out and doing things.

O.k know I told you guys all my dirty little secrets and habits. So know it is time for me to do my tagging. Well I don't have that many I can tag so if you got tagged twice then just ignore me. lol

Michelle Swank (swanky homeschool mom)
Chantel (life of a list maker)
Gail (mnmykids)
Silvia (if you was on here)
Cheryl (finally five minutes to myself)
Trina (son up to son down)
Teressa (raising the martins)

Yes I choose some who were already choosen. So just ignore me if you want, I just didn't know who else to choose.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


We have decided to get serious and get our house in Drumright going. And of course we would do this right before we go on vacation. So the past two days I have been going down to the house and doing some clean up. I took Elisha with me to do some work and some of the boys from our church to help. Thanks Austin, Brandon and Mathew you did awesome. My poor Elisha, he has so much to learn when it comes to work. I believe we have spoiled him terribly bad. He does a good job most of the time but the poor kid can not handle the heat. We don't have AC at the house yet so we just have fans blowing to help keep us a little cooler. Everytime I turned around he was standing in front of the fan doing some kind of funny. This child makes me laugh and mad at the same time. I was paying him to work not play. So I have decided that we really need to work on him when it comes to working. I want him to have good work values. I want to convince him it is his job to support a family someday not his wifes job. He is only ten so hopefully by the time he is ready to move out and get married we will of taught him this. We have the kitchen, living room, dining room and three of the bedrooms cleaned out. The master room and bath will be last. It is tuesday night and we are so tired. But I just wanted to let you guys know we was up to.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Sunday

It is Sunday afternoon and I feel so lazy today. I woke up this morning and debated on going to church. My little two year old has been pushing me to my limits. I think he is teething again, so he is quit emotional at times. He wants something so I give it to him then he decided he doesn't want it. So it is a never ending emotional battle with him. Yesterday morning he wouldn't stop crying and screaming at me. Then a friend called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. So I thought I would to get him out to see if it would help his mood. It did help get his mind off things a little. But it was a emotional day and I knew that he was starting this morning off in the same mood. I decided to go ahead and go to church this morning but he was quit emotional again. And I spent a good part of the time in the cry room with him crying. I would of took him for a ride in the van but I left my purse and shoes at the front of the church. And the church was very full so I wasn't going to go and get them. He was finally given some candy and that soothed him so I could go and sit back down. So after church we decided to go home and have a lazy day at home. This child of mine can wear me out and make me feel like a emotional basket case at times.

It is just a few more days before we get to go on our vacation. I am so excited to go and get away. I am glad that we will have some time as a family and hopefully we can relax a bit. Lee has been having a lot of back trouble lately so I hope that this will give his back some time to heal. Trina just 6 more days. YIPEEEE

Friday, July 27, 2007

Date Night

It was friday night and we decided to have a date night. I had so much fun, my husband actually took me to the mall to shop...yippiiiee That is one for the books. Well actually we have our trip coming up in just a week ( how the time has flown by) and Lee was in desperate need of some new clothes. I refuse to by him something unless he is there with me. Everytime I buy with out him there he doesn't like it. So off we went to the mall on a shopping spree. He got new clothes and of course I did to. Heheheeh...... why not. He then decided he wanted new shoes so I let him get 2 pairs and I got 3 pairs. I really enjoy spending time with my husband and what better way than shopping. We ate dinner in the mall instead of going to a restaurant. Saved a little there, right. After the shopping was over we decided to go to a movie. We have been wanting to see Chuck and Larry so thats what we saw. A funny movie but there was lots about the movie I didn't approve of. The language was horrible for starters and much much much more. So I really don't recomend this movie. I wish they could come out with some funny movies that were clean. But all in all I enjoyed my evening with my husband he is the man of my dreams. Thank you hunny for spoiling me and I love you so much.


I am at a point in my life where I would like to improve myself. I want to be a good wife, mother, and servant to the Lord. It seems as though everytime I decide that this is what I want to do. The old devil works harder with me. I catch myself being testy with my kids and husband. I decided to take Trina's advice and read "Created to be his Help Meet". So far I really am enjoying this book. I love how she gives the scriptures to back up what she is saying. I love the story of the "One Ugly Hillbilly". She is so right that a smile on your face makes all the difference in how someone feels about you. You can be dog ugly, but if you wear a smile it makes you so much more attractive. I would like to be the woman who is always smiling, even when I am not happy. No body else should have to deal with my mood swings. So from know on if you see me with a frown please let me know. Please God help me to be a better Help Meet for my husband. I do not want to end up as one of those old crabby ladies who chased her husband away because I was selfish. I want to tend to my husbands needs because thats what I want to do and because thats what the Lord has given me to do.

I have seen so many of my failings lately. Lets just say that I seem to change all the time. I used to cook dinner every night. Then somewhere down the road life got busy and we seemed to eat out all the time. This is not a good thing it is heavy on the pocket book and you just seem to get lazy. I don't even want to know how much it costs us when I don't fix a meal at home. Hmmm we have a family of five and we were eating out about twice a day. Mmmm not a pretty picture. So I am trying to do more cooking at home. So far I have made dinner 4 times this week. Yaa Whooo.... for me. It is friday and we decided to get a babysitter and go out alone tonight. Well at least no kids. So I will fix the kids something at home and we will go out. But hey don't I need to celebrate a little.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Get Serious Cherrie

It is time to get serious about a few things in my life. I decided to start doing school early this year. Mostly because we are such a busy family. And I know there will be times that I lack in it. Well I started lacking, already. We are about 3 weeks behind and this is driving me nuts. So I told my kids that they are grounded from the t.v. till we get things caught up. It seems that the time just flies by so easily. Its not the kids fault that we are behind but mine because I haven't been consistent with them. Sometimes its just easier to let them do something else. That doesn't need my attention. My goal is to get things in my house flowing like I would like them. And I will start with the school. So here we go........Get in gear Cherrie your kids are depending on you to teach them.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Water Fun

Me and a few friends decided that we wanted to go to the water park today. This was a last of the minute thing that we decided on sunday night at 10:00. We got up and around by 10:00 in the morning to go. This water park is a hour away so we wanted to get there when it opened. We have a new sister who has moved here in the last few months. We was hoping that this would be a way to get to know her better. She is a single mom of four, and from what I can tell she is very sweet. I took some pictures of the park. So I will post them for everyone to see. Our trip got cut short but that was o.k. with me. Sis Ambers little girl got hurt she somehow hit her head and puntured it. Not a pretty sight. So her mom took her to the first aid to patch her up. We decided that it was time to go after that. But the kids did have a great time. And the little girl was awesome. She was a brave little girl. I will post a few pictures know.

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We stayed at the part for about two hours but I think the older kids could of stayed all day. They had this thing called a lazy river we loved it. They gave you a tube and the water would push you in a circle. The kids loved this, they had two big water slides for the kids. And a obstacle course for the older kids to do. It was a very relaxing day and God had a lot of mercy on us. Ambers daughter was o.k. and it could of turned out so bad. Thank you God for watching over us all the time.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Fridays seem to be such a busy day for me. It is the day I spend all day in town running errands for my husband. Usually picking up checks and dropping checks off. I always have so much that I want to do and I always don't have the time to do it all. But I will eventually find the time, I always do. Well tomorrow is Saturday and I have lots planned again. Our house in Drumright is so embarrassing the yard needs mowed so bad. The problem is that the house is on the main road for the whole world to see. We don't live close enough to just get over there real quick or anything. And I haven't been ables to find anyone who wants to mow it. So hopefully I will get to mow tomorrow.

I was looking at the calender yesterday and I got so excited. We have a trip planned to Portland, OR. coming up in August. And I realized that it is just two weeks away. This is where me and Lee started our life together and where we buried our first born. So as you can tell it is a very special place for me. I will get to spend time with Dennis and Trina who mean the world to me. They gave me a place to stay when I first came to Oregon. They sang in my wedding and she was in my wedding, and her dad married us. So as you can tell they are very important to me. And I am looking forward to spending some time together. I was remembering a post that Trina wrote awhile back about how to be a good guest. So I think I will read it again so that I do things right. lol...hehehe....

I am wanting to go to the coast were me and Lee went for our honeymoon. I am looking forward to having so many wonderful memories flooding my mind. It is weird how living in a place for such a short time still feels like home to me. I am hoping that God will bless us on this trip. We would like to get to visit with several different ones who have made a difference in our lives in some way or another. We booked our trip about a month ago and the time has gone by so fast. So ready or not Trina here we come.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


It is late thursday evening and I am listening to my music and thinking about how good God is to us. As I was reading Michelle S. blog today and she was talking about all the blessings God has done for her. I thought that maybe I should tell you guys about a few of my blessings.
As most of you know, the story about how me and Lee met. I believe this is one of those things that God did. I was living in Arkansas and one day I decided that I wanted a change. And at that time in my life I wasn't the best person. I had made a lot of wrong choices in life. But for some reason I felt like it was time to do something different and I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I guess you could say I was a little lost. So I decided to go to Oklahoma with my mom and her husband. When I got to Oklahoma I met a young sister who asked me if I wanted to go on a trip with her. Since I really had no plans I thought that it might be a nice idea. So not to long later we took a trip to Oregon. When we arrived I felt like this place was home. And I must say I hadn't felt that in such a long time. It was there that I met Lee. We pretty much new instantly that we would get married. We just seemed to fit so perfectly. You could say that he completed me. In two weeks we were engaged and three months later we were married. This was such a blessing for me. God provided a companion for me. I dated lots of guys and God would always let me know they were not the one, he had the one for me waiting on me to be ready. I am so sorry that I was so stubborn and I had to go through so much before I got this blessing because of my stubborness.
After me and Lee got married I got pregnant right away. I was so happy, my life was perfect. I married the man of my dreams and know I was going to have a baby. I remember at the beginning of my pregnancy I felt as though something wasn't quit right with the baby. I believe God told me this so I would be prepared. I was so sick with this pregnancy. I pucked so much that I would start pucking up my stomach lining. When I got to the end of the pregnancy I remember telling Lee's mom that the baby wasn't moving as much. I figured this was because I was at the end and there wasn't enough room. I must say that the delivery was quit intense. And I ended up having a still born little boy. The blessing in this story is that God prepared me in many ways ahead of time. I remember feeling so good after he was born. I believe God gave me strength beyond measure. He made me a stronger person because of this trial. I was very sad, but I think it would of been harder if God hadn't given me those signs ahead of time.
I believe with all of my heart that the trials we go through are for a reason. And at times we might not understand them but eventually we will. This is just some of the most important things that me and Lee went through at the beginning of our marriage. And I believe that God did it so we would learn to lean him. God had way more faith in me than I had in myself. He let me go through something that I would of never thought that I could have. I thank you God for always being there for me and taking care of me and my family.
Then ten months later I gave birth to a healthy little boy. God decided to take my first born but he gave me another son. And I am so thankful for that. Elisha has been such a treasue to me. God has been with me so many times and has given me so many things to be thankful for. We named our first boy Elijah and I will always remember him. He made me a stronger person.


I have decided to go ahead and show you guys our house in Drumright. I am so excited to get this house done and sold. So I ask that everyone do some praying that this will get done and sold. I took some pictures of the outside and inside. So when you see these just remember it is a work in progress.

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Lee and Bro. Josh talking about what to do to make this more marketable.

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This is the wall that seperates the kitchen from the living and dining rooms. We believe it should be gone.

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Know this is what I call progress. Bro. Josh is working hard on the demo. The wall is know gone. Whahooo.......

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This is the fireplace that we will be redoing. Lee is going to make it look awesome.

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This is the outside of the house. I think it is beautiful, and I hope when we are done we can sell it to someone who will feel the same way.

Not sure is I told any of you about our basement flooding. The problem is fixed now thanks to my mom. When we redid some of the sewer problems the dirt got piled up and it was leading the water towards our basement. Not a good thing at all. My mom the wonderful mother that she is got a shovel and moved the dirt to redirect it. So everything that was in our basement pretty much got ruined. So I took some pictures for you all to see what a lovely mess I have to clean up. By the way the water got about 2 to 3 feet high so things were floating around. I had my scrap book bag with all my loose pictures in it down there. And they are all ruined. I was quite upset at first. But that is just life.

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What a mess!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wow that was work!!!!

I had told you that we was having a van cleaning party today. And I must say that we sure did. I was so tired by the time we got done. Three of my good friends came over to join in on the fun. We started about 8:30 this morning and didn't get all done until around 3:00. We did take a small lunch break though. I could not believe how dirty my van was, I was so embarassed by the grim that I found. I was glad though that I have good enough friends that have the same problems as me. We did a awesome job working as a team to get this chore done. The kids had a blast playing with all there friends. Me, Michelle B., and Silvia worked on our vans and Michelle S. was sweet enough to help us with the kids (Thank YOU). She made lunch for the kids, for some reason when I get started on a project I have a hard time stopping. So the kids should be thankful that someone was there to tend to there needs. I was on a mission that I wanted done. We took some pictures while we were cleaning the vans so I will post them.
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Me and Silvia posing for the camera. Love you Silvia!!!

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Michelle B. working her little heart out!!! Good job Michelle.

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The kids having a blast.

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How does this happen to our vans? Could it be our children? Surely they wouldn't spill things, would they. After all the work that we did I forgot to take a picture of what our vehicles looked like. Believe me they were a 100% better. Michelle S. took alot of the pictures for me. Thats why I don't have a picture of her on here. So sorry Michelle S. but thank you for coming and spending the day with us.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thanks Lindsay

As you all can see, my blog got a new dew. And I am very happy with it. I will need some help trying to do a few things but I am sure I can find someone who will help (right Trina). Well for know I would like to thank Lindsay for doing such a wonderful job for me. There is no way I would of got this done with out her. I have definetly become a religious blogger. I have been thinking about the mobile blogging also. I am going to do a little more research but I think it would be awesome to take a picture with my phone, type a few words and send it to my blog. I am quite intrigued by it all. So if anyone has any information on it let me know. I am very interested.


I have decided it is time to get my van cleaned out. I have let it go for way to long. So tomorrow morning I am having a van cleaning party and everyone is invited to bring theres on over and we can get it done together. I bought a new shampoo machine about 2 months ago and have not used it once. So tomorrow we are breaking it out. I plan on turning on the sprinklers for the kids to play. So they will stay out of our way hopefully. I invited a few friends to bring there vans over, so hopefully we will achieve our goal. To have a clean vehicle for at least a week. I will take some pictures of us tomorrow, (if I don't forget) to post on here.


I am so excited this morning. I have been in the process of getting my blog a makeover. And I got a email today and saw the results, and I think it is so perfect for me. So don't be surprised if this boring old page all the sudden looks very snazzy. So be on the gard for the new me!!!!!! By the way did I tell you how happy this has made me.

Monday, July 16, 2007

God Knows All

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It was another late night up visiting with friends. So Elisha and Samuel didn't make the long haul of the night. So I had to take a picture of them fast asleep in the recliner. I must say that they are awful cute. God has been real good to us lately and I thought I should voice this real quick. I was getting a little blue lately and feeling sorry for myself. Then God has been giving us some company this past week and it has been so good for me. We had some friends come in from California on thursday night to spend the night. We were invited to dinner on Saturday night by some other friends. And my dear friend Amy (my twin) and her family came over to visit on Sunday. We also had Robert and Crystal come and visit. So the house was full and I loved every minute of it. I think God knows when you are blue and knows how to fill that void. So thank you God for taking care of me.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Where does the time go.....

Wow what a day. I feel as though we got so much accomplished today. The day went so fast and I don't know were it went. Well for starters I got up and did a load of laundry and unloaded the dish washer. I decided to let Lee sleep in for awhile. So at about 9:44 I thought that it was time for him to get up. I can't let him sleep the day away when we have so much to do (right). We got around and went to town to pick up a few things we would need at the house in Drumright that we are redoing. And yes I took plenty of pictures and I will post eventually, but for know I will wait till we have the after pictures also. We meet a friend down at the house to show him what we would like to have done. And I am so excited to get all this done. I think that when it is done I might want to move back in.... hehehehe......As if Lee would ever allow that. But the house is going to look so awesome. I hope someone will come and buy it, who will love it to peices. So here is the download. We already put a new roof on and redid the old water lines. The house had new siding and windows already. And know we are redoing both bathrooms and the kitchen. Then fix the wood floors and recarpet two rooms. Then paint the entire house and put a marble and granite on the fire place. Did I mention the kitchen is getting additional cabinets and granite on the counter tops. It is going to look so nice. I can't wait to get all of this done.

We then came home because we had dinner plans with some friends. We had such a nice time eating a wonderful meal and playing a game of hand and foot. We so enjoy spending time with Robert and Crystal. They are those kind of friends were you can talk about the faith with and yet still have a good old time. I love our spirtual conversations. And I love laughing with them when we just want to be silly. Thank you Crystal for being a good friend who always makes me smile. Well it is getting late and I am real tired. And tomorrow is dinner day and I have nothing prepared. So we will see what happens with that. Good night and I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

Friday, July 13, 2007

work and more work

A couple of posts ago I showed a picture of my honey cleaning out some of the woods. Well let me tell you something. You should always wear long sleeve shirts and something to cover your face a little. He was such a brave man for cleaning this for me. Well to make a long story short he know hows some poison Ivy. He is doing real good at trying to get rid of it. This stuff can be very bad if you don't get a handle on it quick. He has had it a lot so he knows how to take care of it. But it still is very annoying. And itches very bad. So if you don't mind say a little prayer that it will dry up soon. We have a lot more to clear out and try to kill off. And we are also in the process of trying to fix up our house in Drumright so we can put it up for sell. I plan on taking some pictures of the house so I can post them. We are going tomorrow to do some work and hopefully hire someone to help get it done sooner.

We went and took the kids to see Harry Potter today and it was real good. But we are very big fans. My ten year old son has read all the books and can't wait till the book comes out next week. He will have to fight his dad over who will get to read it first. I am very proud of myself. I have been a homeschool mom for a little while. And when Elisha decided to read the Harry Potter books. I was very impressed, I taught him how to read. Sometimes it just amazes me that I did this. And my 8 year old daughter is starting to take off and enjoy reading also. She has been ables to read for awhile. But she has just decided that its not just a chore. She is actually starting to like it. Whooo hooo. FINALLY.......

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend. And if I remember my camera tomorrow I will take some pictures of the house and show you all.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Elisha

My Elisha, he is the best little boy. He does so many things for me. I would like to jot down a few things about him so I don't forget them. He is only ten and he is so mature in his thinking at times. He is interested in the bible, always asking questions and wanting his dad to show him where it is in the bible. He helps take care of his little brother. He loves it when Samuel gives him hugs and kisses. Elisha is a very emotional child with a big heart. And I am the proudest mom of this guy. He makes my heart melt. Elisha thinks he is so funny and you can tell that he takes after his father and grandfather. I pray that I can raise him to be a good man who will provide and be ables to take care of a family someday. And so far I think we have done a good job on this little guy. Elisha I love you so much and you are such a great help to me.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Moody Me

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel sad? Well today is my day. I have noticed that I have been very moody lately. I get upset with Lee for no reason and I don't know how to tell him how and why I am feeling like this. This feeling is the worst for me. I am not one who likes to feel sorry for myself or anyone else to feel sorry for me. I usually don't tell anyone but for some reason, today I feel like typing it down. I guess I am hoping that it will make me feel better if I do this. So know you all know it, I get in my own moods sometimes. I haven't been good about going with Lee to church as much as I should. Not that I didn't go at all, I did. But not every time. With the Parkland meetings last week he went to all of them and I just went to one. Then on Wednesday he went with out me again. I have had a few things that I have been wanting to do lately and we have done none of them. I guess I am a little spoiled. So I get upset and don't go with him to things sometimes. I think it hurts me more than him though. I am not really looking for anybody to understand me or anything. Just someone to listen to me. So I will stop pitting myself and go on to the good.

We have been wanting to work on our yard a little so we went and bought this awesome weed eater that you can push. It is awesome, it will clear a path real good. I was so glad and I can't wait till we get it all done. I took some pictures so I will try to put them on the bottom of my post. We would love to have our yard looking like a little park someday. Have a wonderful day and thanks for listening to me.

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This is before

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During the working process

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After the work was done. I believe when we finish it will be very beautiful. And I will so enjoy taking pictures of my children here. I have been learning to mess with my computer and I must say the mac (computer) is awesome. I can do many things to the pictures that is so cool.

Friday, July 6, 2007

They did it!

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They are married!!! The wedding was very beautiful. And I am so proud of the new couple. So congradulations and we love you guys. The cake was so pretty, R.D.'s mom did the cake and she did a wonderful job.

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

New Dew

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I went down to my wonderful cousin Vicki's beauty shop today to get a new dew. And by the way I love it. I so enjoy feeling like I am getting pampered. I am so excited for her to get her new shop done so I can go and get facials, manicures, and pedicures. She is very good at what she does and I love being her cousin and getting that family discount. Getting your hair done know a days can be heavy on your pockets if your not careful. Unless your like me and have a family member who loves you dearly. So thank you Vicki for being so good to me. And I so love my new hair.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Nose in corner time

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Lee has decided that Samuel is old enough to stick his nose in the corner. I must say he is so cute when he gets mad. And he does not like me to take his picture when he is in trouble. But I could not resist. He is only two years old and I think that this nose in the corner has worked pretty good. When he is being naughty we ask him if he wants his nose in the corner. Of course he tells me ( No corner ). I would rather stick his nose in the corner than to spank him. Not that he doesn't still get a whap on the diaper from time to time. But this does help alot.

My Little Girl

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At times I look at this little girls face and just think about how beautiful she is to me. And I so want her to be just as beautiful on the inside. I want to raise her in a way that would be pleasing to the Lord. Show her how to be a good wife some day. I worry that if I do this wrong she will be a mess. I must say right know I am a little worried. She has so much attitude that it drives me crazy. Did I mention she just turned eight. She is giving me the additude of a teenager. And if it gets worse at thirteen I am afraid for the poor child and everyone else she is around. Now don't get me wrong she is not a bad child by any means. She is very stubborn, she always has to have the last say. And those eyes can roll back into her head with the best of them. If she doesn't get her way she almost starts hiper ventilating at times. By the way this does not settle well with this momma. I want her to learn to compromise with others. Not to get upset if things don't go the way she wanted. I want to teach her to be kind and friendly to everyone. And not to leave others out. She has so much possibility if I can do my job right. For know I am working hard on the additude. And praying that I can get it under control. She has been grounded quite a bit lately. Oh ya did I mention that we are also working on the lying thing. For some reason that really pushes my buttons. And she does it so well. It scares me at how easily this comes to her. I am afraid she might be grounded for a long time. But on the other hand she can be the sweetest little girl also. She is so loving and she loves her brothers so much. She is so good about helping me clean the house. Playing with Samuel so I can get things done. Not sure why I felt like posting this today. Maybe so someday when she grows up to be this beautiful young lady that shines from the inside and outside I can remember that it took lots of prayers and hard work.

My little girl has always melted my heart. And I want her to be the best person she can be.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


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This is our little scooby. He is the cutiest little dog I know. I let the kids take the camera around the house and shoot some pictures. When I saw this picture I knew that I had to post it and show off our little baby. He is a real good dog, my kids just love him to death. As well as me and Lee, but I must say that there are times when it is very tiresome of having a animal. Because of his size, he is a house dog. So when you plan to go somewhere, you always have to remember him and that will put a damper on things at times. I am lucky that my mom also loves my little scooby and she is willing to help us out at times.

I must tell you that before we got scooby, Elisha had the worst allergies his eyes would swell up and just burn real bad. After this little dog came into our life his allergies got so much better. We found out later that little dogs are good for kids with allergies. They help reduce the allergies some how.

I am sure your bored hearing about our dog so I will go.

Monday, July 2, 2007


I have been so frustrated with my internet provider lately. You can not get a hold of anyone when you need them. And at any time I could be kicked off the internet. I must say that they make me pay a pretty penny for the worst service I have ever had. I would like to get out of my contract but not sure if I will ever get to talk to someone about it. So if for some reason you don't see me on here for awhile it might be that I got my way. My internet is satilite and I thought it would be better but oh was I wrong. You have to pay $300 just to get it hooked up and then they charge between $50 and $80 a month. Can you believe that it sounds outrageous to me. You would think that my service would be extemly fast. NOT it is as slow as a turtle. So what do I do? I thought about calling one of the news station and complain. So if you see me on the news then you know I couldn't get my way....hehhehe....HELP News 5........So if you want to know who this provider is well it is Wild Blue. What a joke!!!!!!

Build a Bear

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This is Stormie's new build a bear. Or actually it is a pink kitty. We had a lot of fun going to the mall and making this little animal. O.k. let me explain how they do things in this store. First when you walk in you get to choose from a wall of animals. They have so many to choose from. Once you decide on the animal that you want. You can decide if you want a voice box to go in you animal. Well of course Stormie wanted one and she choose the one that gave lots of compliants. Then you move on to the stuffing machine. And I must say that is pretty cool, the lady asks if you want your animal fluffy or fat. Stormie wanted it fluffy you also get to choose where you want the voice box, in the hand, foot, or tummy. She then has you pick out a heart, she then tells the kids to jump up and down to get the heart beating. She has them rub it on there head and spin around three times for knowledge, rub it on there nose so it always knows where you are, and then give it a kiss so it loves you. You then put the heart in the little animal and the lady sews it up for you. When this part is done you take your animal and give it a bath. This is were they have some air blowing all the extra fur off of your animal. Then the fun begins, the shopping for your animal. And I must say they have quite the selection to choose from. Stormie picked out several new outfits for her new kitty and some for her poodle that she got a few years ago. And she also gets to get birth certificates for these animals. So we have Sally the poodle and Angel the kitty.

On Saturday we went to a wedding up in Olkahoma City. And I must say that the bride and groom were beautiful. The wedding was so elegant. I wanted to post just a quick picture of them because I think they are the sweetest people. Well at least she is I don't know him very well but I have heard only good. And I trust Amber's decision that she married the man of her dreams. We love you Amber and wish you guys the best of luck.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Sister Saga Continues

Continuing on from the earlier post of us sisters...........

Eventually, us girls were ready to meet the men that we had always dreamed of. Like all young attractive girls we were ready to hit the dating scene in a BIG way. It didn't take us long to run into the men that we would, eventually, marry. Each one had qualities that we loved, admired and respected.

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This is Dale. Chantel's main squeeze, and let me remind you that when she squeezes, Dale has a tough time getting out of her grasp. He is a happy go-lucky sort, although incredibly picky when it comes to his food. We believe its because he doesn't have much of a sniffer, but we would never dream of telling Chantel this. He is her hunky man that only eats eggs.

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Trina met her match with Den. They are both wildly driven by love, and can't keep their lips off of each other. It can get down right embarassing when we are in public, but love makes you do funny things, they say. Their first date was sharing a plate of spaghetti.

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Which of course leaves me to introduce my man! This guy can totally keep up with my mental capacities. We can chat for whole minutes at a time on any subject. I thought I was drawn to his good looks, but they are secondary to his intellect!

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I do have to say that he doesn't always use discretion when admiring my sisters. Chantel caught him giving Trina a second glance, and slugged him right in the kisser!
You don't mess around with us sisters!

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After being married in an amazing marriage, we were blessed with 3 beautiful children. This is Elisha! He is in a constant state of bliss. He couldn't bring us greater joy!

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This is our princess, Stormie! I tell you right now, Daddy has a shotgun at the ready, on her behalf. She is one of those children who is easy to please, and finds a surprise around every corner.

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Here is our baby, Samuel! He sits in this state for hours on end. He has been so easy to manage. Put him in front of the boob tube and he is content ALL day!