Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trying something new.........yayaya

I am a new blogger. I have a few friends who blog and I thought this sounded so fun. I guess I have way to much free time. hehehe....... Actually I never slow down, I have three beautiful children. I homeschool during the mornings and do all the extra things for the kids later. We do piano lessons once a week and tae kwon do between 3-5 days a week depends on our day. Me and the kids do this together I secretly keep hoping it will help me loose weight. Not there yet maybe someday. But it is wonderful exercise. The two older ones also do 4-H. We have a very busy life. But I still find the time to want to play on the computer doing something for me. My children are 9,7, and 1. My oldest ia a boy, the middle is a girl, and the baby is a boy.


Mrs.Martin said...

Hi Cherrie! I am so glad you are blogging. You will get faster at this as times goes on. And.. This is a great way to journal. I am planning on printing it out and saving mine to a family albulm.
Welcome to Blog Land!

Love, Me

Trina said...

Hi Cherrie,
My internet isnt working right now AGAIN, but Im on Mary's pc. I love it that you are blogging! Yahoo!! This is a great way to keep in contact with everyone. Love ya, Trina

marykathryn said...

Hey Cherrie..
Trina told me you too joined in on all the excitement and ventured off into cyberland..well from one newbie to another, good luck and your gonna love it!!!..hehe
Come by and see me sometime..:-)