Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well I got tagged by Trina. So I decided to go ahead and do this little game since I find them so interesting. I love reading little facts about everyone, so I might as well do mine. So here it goes.....

Here are the rules..

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don't have a middle name use the middle name you would of liked to have had.

3. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.

D= Oh boy this is a hard one, what can I say about me that starts with the letter
D. hmmm DELIGHTFUL..I always try to be delightful and pleasant around people
even when I don't feel good.

A= Able is the word I choose for this letter. I believe that I am able to do
anything as long as I have the Lord by my side.

W= I am Woman hear me roar!

N= Needy is the word I must put there. I am very needy when it comes to my husband.
I cherish my time with him and need my time with him.

This was way to easy, thank you mom for giving me such a easy middle name. So know I must tag 4 people so here it goes.

Michelle Gray
Michelle Swank


meNmykids said...

Fun to see your thoughts on yourself. Thank goodness for short middle names eh?

Chantel H said...

Thaaanks! My middle name isn't quite so short, but I'm sure I'll manage. Loved your list!

Sabriena said...

I've already been tagged, so I'll skip, but I enjoyed your post! That's kind of neat, that your middle name is Dawn and A. Chantel's middle name is Ladawn!

Trina said...

Its fun to see everyone's middle name too. Dawn is a popular one!

Mrs.Martin said...

I love your list. It was to see what you put. I wish I had thought of able for A.

Kalisha said...

Aunt Chantel said to tell you I posted about the tea party, so "I posted about the tea party!" (He He He)