Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Job

I was sitting here tonight thinking about home schooling my kids. And as I was sitting here I remembered a funny story about my little girl. As most of you know she is very stubborn and thinks she knows everything. She was 2 when I started home schooling and Elisha was 4. So I went out and bought lots of bulletin board sheets and stuck them to my walls. We had the ones with the alphabet, numbers, and shapes. I used a pointer and would point at the letters and they would repeat what I said and we would do this everyday over and over. Trying to get it into there brains. Well Stormie was 2 or 3 I can't quite remember. And as we would go thru the alphabet I would get to the letter "W' and she would repeat W-me. And I would say no W-U. It seemed we went about this forever. I would get so upset because I could not get it thru her head. But as time went on I actually saw how smart that was.

I am now a much older home school mom. And my Samuel is 2 almost 3 and I would never expect that much out of him. He still seems like a baby to me. I would sit for hours with my other kids trying to teach them things. And now I don't have the time with him because I am still home schooling a fifth grader and third grader. So tonight I have decided it is time to get everybody on a schedule and get our life back on track. Samuel needs to sit learn his abc's. And I need to enjoy this time teaching them because the time is going way to fast. And I don't want to miss a minute of it. I love that I taught my kids how to read, write, do math. I love watching there progress each day. I pray that I can have the patience to give them all they need.

I want my kids to look back on there life and realize that we wanted the best for them. We want to teach them to serve the Lord, how to make a living for there family, balance a check book, I want to raise them to be good people. The kind of people that others want to be around. I know that God has given me a very important job to raise these kids. And I plan on doing the best job that I can.


Trina said...

Isn't it funny how we expected more from our first 2 kids and the more you have the more you realize that they are only babies and that it all goes by too fast. I can totally relate to your story. I feel the same way about homeschooling. I am very much looking forward to you coming out here and us doing unit studies and some fun weekly things together, like that! Hurry!!!!

Cherrie said...

Trina: I am so excited to be there. I wish it was time already.

Jules said...

I actually remember when Stormie said W me. I think you probably told me about it. I can't beleive how big and smart Samuel is getting. I'm sure that with the help of Stormie and Elisha, he will advance fast!

Marisela said...

I definately expected more out of my older children when they were young that I do from my younest kids now. Sometimes it makes me kind of sad to think I didn't baby them as much as I could have, and now they are no longer babies, they are teenagers......where did the time go?

Trina said...


Tish said...

I expected more out of my older kids too. That is a funny story about Stormie! I can see how a little kid would get mixed up about that. I don't homeschool, but I've been thinking a lot lately about how important it is for me to teach my kids the right things and be the right example because right now is where I can teach them good habits and bad habits.