Friday, October 5, 2007

God sent a Angel!

I was reflecting on the past month and all the trials that has come our way. At the end of August Lee got sick. And soon after that Elisha got the same bug Lee had. It seemed to last forever at least to me it did. When my men started to feel better I got sick with the same thing. Lee's cousin Tiffany had planned for awhile to come up and spend a week with me. So I prayed that I would feel good while she was here. She got here on a Tuesday evening and the next day on Wednesday I had my miscarriage. As I reflect back I believe God sent her here to help me. She was amazing to help fix things to eat, help take care of the kids, run them some where if needed. And help clean the house when needed. She was my angel that I needed.

On another note in between this time Lee got poison sumac. That stuff is a mess it is just miserable to have. He suffered with it for awhile. When he felt better and hunting season got here. Of course he couldn't resist the urge to go back into the woods. But as we all know he is a wonderful father who wants to share this experience with his oldest son. So on monday evening (opening day) my two men suited up to out in the woods. They saw nothing but had a good time together. Well on wednesday morning when Elisha woke up I noticed he had a rash on his face. Nothing to big but I just knew he got into something out in the woods. By thursday his face was swollen. Of course we know what it is since daddy just had this a few weeks ago. He has poison sumac also. It is friday morning and he looks my little monster (ogar). He is not to fond of that word. I tease him it is just in time for Halloween. No need in buying him a costume. hehehe..... But seriously my heart goes out to him. This is miserable to have. He is such a good boy who does not complain. He just must wait for the process to leave his body.

This is just another reason I am so glad to sell the land and move back to Oregon. Lee gets poison Ivy almost every year since he has decided to be a hunter. And it is a trial for me to have the patience with it. I might not have the pain of it but it hinders so many things in our life when he gets it.

But on a happy note we are on the mend of all this sickness. We are about to move back to Drumright and hopefully the house will get done sooner with us there and sell fast.


Tish said...

I've really thought and prayed for you a lot. I know the miscarriage has slowed you down when you need to get things done; and then everything else. God does send help when we need it though. "All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord." I have to remind myself of that verse a lot when things don't seem to be going my way.

I'm glad that your house is selling! It seems like the selling of our house is finally picking up too! Yaahhh!

meNmykids said...

So glad for the help. God knows what we need. It is fantastic to be at the end of a long stretch of trials and see a beautiful rainbow. Maybe now it is your time for more blessings?

michelle said...

Glad God sent someone your way just when you needed her.Hope things speed up for you so you can get moved before bad roads and weather. prayers from redmond oregon . michelle g.

Jules said...

Seeing Elisha tonight made me feel SOOO sorry for him. He looked so miserable! I've never seen a face that swollen, EVER. I hope in a day or so, he will be doing WAY better. I'm praying for him! Poor guy!

Trina said...

I saw the picture of him. YIKES! I sent you an email but it came back to me. You really need to send me an email so I have your new one. I just can't seem to get it That stuff looks vicious! I am sure everyone will be relieved when he is through with that!