Thursday, October 4, 2007

Praying Helps

I was getting a little sad the other day so I said a little prayer to the Lord in my head. I have known for a long time that we were going to move to Oregon. Well now I know for sure God gave us that confirmation that we were wanting. But now we have this waiting game going on. Every now and then I will doubt myself about this move. Why is it taking so long? Is the house in Drumright ever going to get done? When is things going to fall in place? When is our family going to be well? Like I said so many questions to myself. So I said this little prayer to the Lord. And guess what happened today? I got a phone call telling us that the house should be ready to close in 1-2 weeks. So know we have to get in gear. This was a sign from God to motivate us and get things done sooner.

I am so excited yet so overwhelmed at the same time. But who can be picky. I am ready to see some progress. So starting tomorrow I will start going thru things and packing what I can. So just say a prayer for me that I have the strength to get things done. And yes I will have some help. My wonderful Sister-in-law Julie is coming to help tomorrow. Thanks Julie! I will try to remember to take pictures of our mess to show you what I have gathered over the years.

The sum of this post is that this little prayer put much peace in my heart. One house almost gone, just one more to go.


Jules said...

As much as I hate to see you guys leave, it seems as though God is REALLY working stuff out for you. I'm happy for you in a way, but selfish and wanting to keep you guys here, hehe. But I'm happy to come over to help you. I'm kind of used to packing, unfortunately ;) Thanks again for helping me today. I LOVE YOU!

Chantel H said...

I am so excited to have you in my neck of the woods!

meNmykids said...

Glad that things are looking up, I sure hope you remember to take care of yourself. Happy packing.

Michelle Swank said...

I think it is great how things are working out for you. I am going to miss you when you are gone. Knowing that it is Gods will makes it easier. One house down one to go. :)

Love & Prayers

marykathryn said...

Great News!! The Lord is always there for us, I was having a bad day yesterday because it seemed like at every turn we were getting bad news or no news...then yesterday afternoon Rusty got the call and they offered him a job!! However we need to sell our house so that it top of prayer list right now..hehe
Praying that all goes well for you guys and I so am looking forward to sitting back with ya and RELAXING and maybe even a giggle or two about our woes of house selling..LOL

Marisela said...

That is great news! We are anxiously awaiting you arrival. :)

Trina said...

It is all coming together....slowly but surely! I feel very anxious about it all too. Get those boxes and start packing! Giddyup!

Mrs.Martin said...

The Lord will work in His time to sell the last house. You have sold two houses and one piece of property, since I have been here. So one more house, should be a piece of cake, for the Lord.

If I don't feel well, Alexis and I will babysit. If I feel good, I will help you move. I hope I can help you move and spend time with Chantel too.