Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I am not usually a early morning riser, but I just can't seem to sleep. My mind has so many thoughts rolling thru it. So many questions about how things are going to work out for us and this move. I have seen so many things just fall into place. I knew that we had so many things to get done before this move could happen. I believe with all my heart that the Lord is in this and that he will work things out. But it still is hard to visualize the future. I am hoping and praying for the best, I am just human and have to think everything apart.

We have lived in Oklahoma for 11 wonderful years and I have made some wonderful friends here. This place is my comfort zone, and now it is time to leave that comfort zone and start again. Time to make new friends, who I believe will be just as dear to me. It is time to start our business over in a new state, and I believe this scares me the most. When we first started it here, we had some hard times back then. And now our bills are way more than they were back then.

My mind wanders on what we will need to make it. How much can we afford for rent? This little brain could bore you forever of my worries, but I want to have complete faith in God. He has never left us without a home, food for the table, clothing for our backs. So I know things will be alright, I just still have to worry. I am a woman what else can I do?

On another note I was watching t.v. the other day and saw this recipe for " EDIBLE PLAY DOUGH" so here it is.....


Now I have not tried this yet. But it does sound fun for little kids who have a tendency to put things in there mouth. I wanted to write this down before I forgot so later on I can look back and find it.


Jules said...

It is totally natural for a woman to worry. I do enough worrying for Ryan and I. He doesn't seem to worry very much. You guys may struggle for a short period of time until his business is all set up, but I think you'll be okay :)

marykathryn said...

Well if you are the queen of worry than I am your princess..hehe
No seriously I worry ALOT about things that are totally out of my control, but does that stop me?..Sigh
I know it is scary to move and start all over, we didn't start our own business, but we still felt TONS of pressure to succeed. The Lord has blessed us so much since we have been here and not just with material things but most importantly spiritly. I can't wait for you guys to get here and I hope that Rusty and I can be in that new friends mix you spoke of that become dear to you as well!
It will work out, our prayers are with you guys!

Sis. Lori P. said...

You seriously do NOT want me to go into the things I worry/fret about in the middle of the nights! You have such a strong belief that you should be in stop worrying! God will work out the are just along for the ride. I promise! Plus when you get to Oregon you'll have friends down south about 1 1/2 hrs away too!

Cherrie said...

Julie: I know its natural, but when interrupts my sleep I don't do so well with it....

Mary: You bet you and Rusty are in that list of friends. I can't wait to get to know you guys better. I am praying for a phone call from those people this week about the house. More worries....hehe

Sis. Lori: Thanks for the encouragement, we are so sure that is were we are supposed to be, its just been awhile waiting and I am getting impatient.

Sister D said...

Lol! It comforts my heart so much to know I'm not alone worrying about things. although I wish we were ALL getting better sleep:)I agree with Jules! My husband can sleep so soundly as I'm lying there awake. Guess the sweet Lord just made us different. Like Sis Lori said, I just have to pray that I have more faith that God sees where I'm headed so I don't need to worry, I just need to hold on tight for the ride. We can't wait to be able to see your dear faces again.

Cherrie said...

Sister D: Thanks, I totally agree that we are made so different than our husbands. Hey I wish you would post once in awhile we would so love it. But I am very glad that you read and comment, it means the world to me.

Chantel H said...

I know this has already been such a long process for you. It is hard to be patient and not worry about the future. If you figure out how to stop worrying, be sure to share your secret:)

melissa said...

did you get that recipe from john and kate plus 8?