Monday, March 3, 2008


I have been getting a kick out of seeing "Raine's" pictures, so I decided I would re-post a story my dear sister wrote about us. These ladies are my sisters and I love them dearly. We had fun doing this and we had such a good laugh at our own expense.

When my sisters and I were born as conjoined triplets they thought that we would never lead a normal life, since our heads were fused together. My parents were told that in order to have us removed from one another, that the outcome could be so detrimental that we may not lead normal lives. My parents were terribly worried, after all, we were three beautiful little girls that all hoped to lead productive lives, and our parents wanted the best for us. Who can blame them for their concerns, right?

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After a lot of thought my parents decided to do whatever it took to split us girls apart, and the rest is...well...history!

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Chantel is the oldest of the three. She is the one who fought to make her presence into the world first! I know its hard to tell by looking at her now, but she is as strong as an ox. My parents said that she was the stubborn one, and had the hardest time bending her neck to fit the yoke.

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My other sister, Trina, got all the looks. She is a hotty!! The only problem is that she knows it! When we go out in public with her, she has difficulty keeping those womanly wiles under control. The men just flock to her. Chantel and I have discussed how difficult it must be to keep that beauty from going to her head!

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Then there is me! I am the brainiac! I ponder over deep subjects for whole seconds at a time. In fact, this photo has caught me in deep thought. I try not to intimidate others with my super mental powers, and so it's a constant battle to dumb my life down for others around me.

Anyway, my other sisters have blogs too, and if you want to learn more about them feel free to check out their links. We are all pretty amazing, and we are each other's number one fans!

Continuing on from the earlier post of us sisters...........

Eventually, us girls were ready to meet the men that we had always dreamed of. Like all young attractive girls we were ready to hit the dating scene in a BIG way. It didn't take us long to run into the men that we would, eventually, marry. Each one had qualities that we loved, admired and respected.

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This is Dale. Chantel's main squeeze, and let me remind you that when she squeezes, Dale has a tough time getting out of her grasp. He is a happy go-lucky sort, although incredibly picky when it comes to his food. We believe its because he doesn't have much of a sniffer, but we would never dream of telling Chantel this. He is her hunky man that only eats eggs.

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Trina met her match with Den. They are both wildly driven by love, and can't keep their lips off of each other. It can get down right embarassing when we are in public, but love makes you do funny things, they say. Their first date was sharing a plate of spaghetti.

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Which of course leaves me to introduce my man! This guy can totally keep up with my mental capacities. We can chat for whole minutes at a time on any subject. I thought I was drawn to his good looks, but they are secondary to his intellect!

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I do have to say that he doesn't always use discretion when admiring my sisters. Chantel caught him giving Trina a second glance, and slugged him right in the kisser!
You don't mess around with us sisters!

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After being married in an amazing marriage, we were blessed with 3 beautiful children. This is Elisha! He is in a constant state of bliss. He couldn't bring us greater joy!

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This is our princess, Stormie! I tell you right now, Daddy has a shotgun at the ready, on her behalf. She is one of those children who is easy to please, and finds a surprise around every corner.

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Here is our baby, Samuel! He sits in this state for hours on end. He has been so easy to manage. Put him in front of the boob tube and he is content ALL day!


:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Lol, I'm dying laughing! Thats too funny. Makes me wanna take pictures of each person in my family. Lol

Marisela said...

Your such a funny gal! You make me laugh!!

Mrs.Martin said...

Okay Cherrie, this post gave us a hearty chuckle all over again. This is totally my sister and I's humor, for sure. Very funny.

Mrs.Martin said...

Okay Cherrie, this post gave us a hearty chuckle all over again. This is totally my sister and I's humor, for sure. Very funny.

marykathryn said...

Well I laughed at it the first time and its still gives me a giggle...Those pics are priceless!!!

Jules said...

LOL, I wish Ihad this program on my computer, I think I'd have hundrends of distorted pics of everyone ;)

Chantel H said...

I am crying all over again. This is simply over the top funny. Leave it to miss Trina!

Tish said...

This post must have been posted before I started blogging. It was so funny! I enjoyed it!