Thursday, March 20, 2008


I was looking through some of my pictures and going down memory lane. As I look at these pictures it just amazes me how much my babies have grown. I am hoping that I can find some of the pictures of the older two kids when they were little. I am sure I have some on cd's somewhere. When we had our flood in the basement it ruined all the pictures I had ready to scrap book and never got to. Luckily I did get some done in the scrap books so its not a total loss. And if I get desperate I will be calling family members for copies...... But since most of my stuff is already packed it might be awhile till I get it done.

Elisha and Stormie

Samuel: it seems like yesterday you born.

Elisha and Stormie, were has the time gone?

This is my favorite picture of Samuel and Scooby our dog. Scooby loved to kiss and lick his snotty nose. Lee's mom hates it.


melissa said...

i can so see sharon saying "that is so gross why do you let him do that"lol

Shannon said...

I remember people telling me when my kids where very young, "enjoy your children while they're young,they grow up so quickly".
Now I have a teenager & one trying to approach "teenager" quicker than he needs to & I am wondering, where did the time go???

momto3blessings said...

Awe memories!! Great pics.

momto3blessings said...

Awe memories!! Great pics.

JoAnn said...

Well I think they are quite adorable.

Jules said...

I'd be happy to send you a few pics that I have through e-mail, if you would like :) They all look so cute! It is amazing how fast time flies by!

Unknown said...

I love the last pic lol so cute