Friday, March 21, 2008

Farm Days

I have had so much time at home lately, that my mind has been working overtime. I am sure you gals can tell since I keep posting. Yesterday I was looking through pictures and it amazed how much my kids have grown. Then it made me look back on my life and how quickly it has gone by. I was remembering being a child and growing up on the farm.

This farm was actually a grape vineyard in California. My grandpa had several acres that had grape vineyards for making raisins. He also gave all his girls a acre of land to live on. So we grew up as a very close family. My cousins were like siblings, we all lived on this dirt road one house after another. Or should I say trailer houses. The memories of the farm are so precious to me, I remember being a little kid and sleeping outside under the stars. Walking on the hot gravel with bare feet. Catching croddads in the ditches.

I remember going across the field to Grandma and Grandpas and swimming in the pool, I must say this was a huge pool and us kids loved it. Every summer we all would go down and clean it out and get it ready for the summer. I remember one year one of grandpas cows got in it. Ohh what a mess! I remember watching grandma milk the goats. So many memories that are so dear to my heart.

I remember every sunday everyone from church coming over and eating dinner, playing baseball in one of the empty fields, making homemade ice cream with the old crank ice cream machine. My dad would make me sit on it with a towel while he cranked the wheel. I want my kids to have some of these memories.

I remember watching my dad build my mom a house with his bare hands. It took him a year to do it. But it was made by him and that makes it special. Whenever I go to the old farm land it makes me sad now. I see the house he built with other people owning it and living there. When my grandpa died the girls sold the farm land. Through the years everyone sold the acre except one of my aunts. So at least I have a reason to go see her and go down memory lane in my mind.

Time is just a blink of a eye. It seems like yesterday I was playing on that farm with all of my cousins and feeling free as a bird. Oh to be a child and have no worries in life.


Shannon said...

Those are very sweet memories you have. I enjoyed reading them. Some day I may have to take a stroll down memory lane on my blog site.

Tish said...

It's so nice to have those childhood memories. Thanks for sharing them with us. I enjoyed living in a small town, but I would've loved the farm life as a child.

Jules said...

HEHE, I didn't realize that you were a little farm girl like me :) My mom and dad used to own a vineyard (and their cherry orchard). They ended up selling the land (and the vineyard) to our neighbors. This is a great idea to write down memories, I may do it sometime. The Bosch's have really "modernised" us, huh? LOL ;)

JoAnn said...

I love going down memory lane. I grew up in a lot of places, but my favorite memories are growing up in Brownsville. Right down the street from Vern & Cindy and Bruce & Pam. Doug & Dennis were my best friends and we used to play spy for hours. Oh to be a little TomBoy again.

Skylene said...

I didn't grow up on a farm but we did have a lot of fun. We did a lot of things involving mud! Things like swimming in mud puddles.

Anonymous said...

Oh, those childhood memories!! Riding down the driveway in strollers and wheelchairs. Maybe not everyone has those memories, but they are still sweet. Have to tell you about that sometime. So you were a farm girl?What fun. I love your posts. Even if I haven't been commenting.

Mrs.Martin said...

I thought I knew you well, but I had no idea you had lived on a farm or with your family. Enjoyed your post Cherrie.