Friday, March 7, 2008


Today was a wonderful day for me. I am hopping that I am on the upward end of this pregnancy. So we got up and went to town to run errands for the man (Lee) and get some groceries. We went to sam's and I found the mother load. The strawberries looked amazing. They are huge and a beautiful red, which to me means they will taste wonderful. So here is a picture of our wonderful dessert for this evening. I bought two batches and one I chopped up and put some sugar on to go over our angel food cake. This is one of my favorite desserts ever. Yummmmmyyy......It is wonderful...My husband made fun of me for posting about the strawberries, he said that everyone would know I am from Oklahoma for making such a big deal of this beautiful dessert. But I think it is a wonderful thing to post on..


Jules said...

HEHE, my husband makes fun of me for posting some of the things I post also ;) They must be related! Those strawberries look YUMMY! Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits! I love Strawberry shortcakes too!

meNmykids said...

Strawberries, one of the sweet, memory triggering fruits. Lovely thing to post on, maybe I'll go see how our grocery store is looking in the fruit aisle. Makes me think of hot summer days, cold summer mornings and wet strawberry plants, of helping my grandma make strawberry freezer jam, and end of the season strawberry fights out in the field.

marykathryn said...

Hey, I from Oklahoma too and I think that strawberries ROCK!! I don't know if that adds to your Hubby's theories or not..hehe
We are MAJOR fans of stawberries in this house!! YUM!!

Trina said...

Strawberries are my ALL TIME favorite fruit!! Top an angel food cake with whip cream and strawberries and it is euphoric!! By the way those do look perfectly red and me a handful!

Marisela said...

I love strawberries too...but if you think those strawberries are good just wail until you move out here and taste oregon strawberries YUMMM! The BEST!

Anonymous said...

In light of the recent events of my words being mistaken, I have decided to respond to the accusation that i made fun of my wife's post..Thhis one word should do....SSOORRRYYY...
Love ya!

p.s. the following preceding comment has not been authorized by the Hubby and therefore accounts for nothing..hehehe

JoAnn said...

I'm with Marisela. Nothing in this world taste quite as good as Oregon Strawberries. Just Wait Cherrie You will see.