Monday, March 17, 2008

To the love of my life...

Well it's late and I can't sleep. I keep thinking of all the things we have been through together and all that you mean to me. So I'll put it here and tomorrow when you wake up you'll know that I love you more each day. I love how you give of yourself without thought of anything in return to me and all of your friends. I see the days when your not feeling well and yet you still are willing to drop whatever is going on to help a friend or run an errand for me. I love our "story " of how God brought us together and how our love grows the longer we are together. I love how you sacrifice your own needs, wants and sometimes sanity for our children.... and me. I was remembering when we went to hawaii for our 10th and we didn't even need to plan anything we just enjoyed each others company and drove and visited, just like we do here. It caused me to see that we don't need a special place for us to love one another, the special place is when we are together. You help me in every aspect of my life and I would not be the man that I am without you. I love how God seen me long ago and knew that it would be you to hold my hand from here into eternity.... you are a true helpmate and the love of my life..I love you.



Marisela said...

How sweet....It is such a great blessing to have a wonderful huband, and a good mariage.

Cherrie said...

You made me cry this morning when I read this. When you was teasing me about how to post things I didn't really think you would, but I am glad you did. It has made my day. I love you more every day.


:.☂Raine☂.: said...

How romantical. =) Good idea about posting on her blog Lee. That's very sweet. =)

marykathryn said...

Well that is crazy sweet!! At first I thought you were writing it to him and then when I read the part about being the man he is today because of you I had to stop and re-read it..hehe
You guys sound like and amazing couple and I can't wait until you guys get out here so we can get to know you guys TONS better!!!

Jules said...

That is SOOOO sweet Lee! I hope Ryan does this for me sometime ;) It is so awesome to have a companion who loves you this much! I've always thought of you two as one of the happiest couples I knew, and I'm so glad that I have that with Ryan now! IT feels great!

Shannon said...

Hi Sis.Cherrie, I'm Sis. Shannon. I go to the Idaho church in Meridian. I've known Bro. Dave & Sis. Dayna for 20 years or so & I've been keeping up on how Sis. Brittany is doing on the internet & well one click lead to another & I found myself at your blog site as well as some of the other sisters. I've really enjoyed reading it & thought I'd finally introduce myself & say "Hi"!

melissa said...

aww how sweet!!

Anonymous said...

That is just the sweetest post! Very romantic! Right on Lee!! I think you have a very very sweet relationship and I am truly looking forward to you guys moving here and being a significant part of our daily lives. Give that man of yours a squeeze, he deserves it from all of us women!

Chantel H said...

This was so thoughful of Lee. What a wonderful surprise for you!