Monday, May 12, 2008


We are still waiting to hear when our closing will be. The people buying our house ran into a few glitches. So we are being patient and trying to work with them. We have just decided it wasn't for us to move this month. So we are hoping for next month. Things are still going slowly, we actually decided to do some more packing today and the house is getting cleaned out except for furniture, kitchen necessities, and a suit case of clothes for each of us. The closets are on the verge of being empty. And all those little nuk and cranies are being cleaned out. We are really praying about a home to move into out there. We are so torn on the idea of renting or buying. Our emotions keep going back and forth on which route we should take. We know that God has a plan and I just hope that we make the right decision. Sometimes we are bad about just doing. Actually this is the longest it has taken for us to do anything. Usually we have a idea and just react on it, but this move has been in the Lords hand the whole time.

I am know almost 21 weeks and I feel so good. My energy has returned, and I feel like my old self. The baby is moving and kicking all the time, and this is such a wonderful feeling. I am one of those who love to be pregnant but the delivery is something I could do with out. But its something that is a must to get the baby here. I keep praying that things will be different this time, but I always say that. I guess every birth has been different but always a difficult process for me. Elisha was my easiest but I had had a baby just 10 months before and I think my body was still in that mode. I will just keep praying for the best and keep enjoying my pregnancy through this move and transition in our lives.

I know some of you are wondering if this move will ever happen. I am here to say eventually it will happen....


Jules said...

I'm glad that you've totally left this in God's hands. That is definately the best thing to do. We are like you guys and when we decide to move, we do it quickly and I don't think that every move was God's will. I miss feeling baby movement, it really is a great feeling, and I think we could all do without labor ;)

Sis Stubby said...

We will pray for you on your move and your delivary. I to love being pregnant.It is such a mircle of God.

Marisela said...

Glad to hear you have such a good mind about it, and that you are feeling good again with your pregnancy.

marykathryn said...

Well we are all praying for you guys..I know that the Lord always has a plan, I just sometimes don't have the patience that it takes to wait and see what it is...Just one of my many flaws..hehe
Glad that you are feeling better, can't wait till you guys get out here!
Buying or renting, that was our dilemma as well...Unfortunately, we are still in that mode!

meNmykids said...

Sounds like you've got it all ready for when the Lord gives the go ahead! Hope your patience holds tight and you can keep a cool head. Hope you keep on feeling good right up to "the day".

melissa said...

its good your leaving things in gods hands i feel like us moving to oklahoma wasnt really the lords will at the time and we have learnt so much from it,i know what your talking about when not wanting to go though labor just have faith,i know its a big thing when i talk about wanting another baby and people get all nervous but i just think where is there faith,god did so much for me how could i not have faith in him to deliver me again safely

Unknown said...

Sorry they are having gliches. I loved feeling my babies move. I miss it

Trina said...

It is so hard to understand why things drag on like that they do. However, sometimes we just have to wait. I knew it would be a process for you guys, but I also know that you are doing all that you can. So prayers are being said while we all anxiously await your arrival. Lots of love!

Sabriena said...

Yeah, we know it'll happen - eventually. It's definitely good to leave it in God's hands. For one thing, once you've resigned it to Him, it's so much easier, right?!! I'm sure that your delivery will be fine, but even if it isn't, God knows best. And whether to rent or to buy, I'm sure you'll just find the right house, and it will be what you need. God knows ahead of time what you should have, so just letting Him guide is the best way to go. But you already know all of this, of course! :)