Saturday, May 17, 2008

I Want to.. I Want tooo....

One of my deepest desires is to be able to breast feed this little baby that I am carrying. I have tried with the others and have never been very successful. When Elisha was little I only tried for a day or so then I got scared when he lost some weight so I put him on the bottle. I was a new mom who had just lost a child 10 months before and couldn't bear the thought of doing anything wrong. When I had Stormie I had learned so much more information so I stuck it out for awhile. But I soon got breast fever and was really sick and still young and scared that I would make her sick. So she went to the bottle after a few months. When I was pregnant with Samuel I was so determined that I just knew I was going to do so much better, since I was older and more wiser. I was able to nurse him for only three months and the cracking and bleeding never eased up it just keep getting worse. So I would try to pump so at least he would get the good milk. Then one day I looked at the bottle and it was filled with pink milk. This really bothered me that I was feeding my son my blood in his milk. So I stopped and went to formula again. But I am determined to try this again. Something deep inside me wants to do this so bad. Sometimes I think I will keep having babies until I can accomplish breast feeding. Sounds crazy I know, but I can't help but want to. I do all the reading I can find on ways to help me out. I get so jealous of those women who have no difficulties but for me it has always been a trial. And I know that I am not the only women who has been challenged with this. So for those of you who understand I am sorry and for those who don't count your blessings. So I pray that this baby will know how to latch on right and be a wonderful breast feeding baby.

I am reading different things on how to prepare early so maybe this will all help. Sorry to bore you all but it is something I really would like to do.


Sylvia said...

I hope and pray you will be blessed with the ability to breast feed this baby. That is one of my most precious memories. Maybe someone who also had problems can give you some advice.

Laurie always said she was able to slow down and enjoy her later babies more than her earlier babies. When you are young it seems like you have forever. Experience teaches us how fast things change. I am glad you are enjoying this time.

Tiffany said...

I did a lot a research about breastfeeding too. Good for you. I'll pray with you that this baby will latch on a be a good nurser.

Jules said...

I really hope that you will be able to nurse this baby. It is so awesome to be able to nurse. I guess I've never given it any thought to count it as a bessing that I was able to, but I am seeing it as a blessing now. And we all "live and learn". I remember when I was pregnant with Taylor, I actually had a "nightmare" that I wasn't able to nurse, and it felt horrible. There is one product that is really good for cracking, it is called Lanisoh (it is pure lanolin) and it really helps, also helps a LOT with diaper rash! I love that stuff. I do hope you can nurse, just don't give up very easily, some women do. Love ya!

Cherrie said...

Sylvia: I sure hope it works that way for me also. Maybe I am uptight to much... heheheh

Tiffany: Thank you!

Julie: Yea I have used that stuff before, I plan on trying it again or something similar. My body just has issues...

Marisela said...

Brestfeeding is so good for the baby, but I was never too sucessful. I hope it works better for you this time.

Hayden was sitting on my lap while I was looking at your blog and he pointed to the picture of Samuel and I said "Who is that?" then he pointed to himself. Isn't that funny?

meNmykids said...

I sure hope that you can do it this time. Remember to lotion every time with non allergenic lotion. Also if a problem starts, gently wash after every session (and pat dry, then lotion). I think that some kids have more acidic saliva? Make sure he gets a large mouth full, otherwise he will overwork the tender nipple area. You might need to keep your finger in there too for a bit to keep his upper mouth full, or he will do more of a hard licking than a sucking. I had some problems with some of mine. Sometimes it just doesn't work, just try everything you can before you give up, it would feel good to conquer this thing. Sorry if I got overly teachy. I'm sure you already knew most of that anyway.

melissa said...

cherrie i am right along with you it was a real trial for me when i couldnt nurse aiden i still have alot of issues with it i get bitter sometimes about it also thinking that i didnt get to bond with him like i wanted to it has made me a very depressed person at times i also think that is one reason i really want to have another baby so i could get that second chance.i wish you luck and i will pray for you i know how much this really means to you

Skylene said...

I can totally relate to this post! I know my family gets tired of hearing all my nursing troubles! Sometimes I wish it was just effortless and am a little jealous of those that easily nurse. I guess I just always thought we should be able to nurse, it is how our bodies are made. But I have discovered that no matter what it looks like in theory, in fact it just doesn't happen easily for everyone. Oh well(sigh) I have decided I want to be content that I only have to suppliment a little. And I am thankful that at least I have another way to give my baby his nourishment!