Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kicking like crazy....

I have so enjoyed the last three weeks of being pregnant. I am feeling like my old self and the baby is a very active little guy. I am almost 22 weeks and this baby kicks hard enough that I can see it and feel it on the outside. This might not be a big thing for most but when you are over weight to start out with they say sometimes you won't feel it as easy in the beginning. I started feeling the butterflies about 15 weeks and soon after I could feel movement. Now it just moves all the time and Lee can even feel him going crazy. I love to lay and just enjoy the movements, kicks and jabs. I am sure in another month or two I might be wishing it would settle down as it gets in my ribs. But for now I will just savor every moment.

On another note I decided to finish a quilt I started a long time ago. I am hoping to get this done, then start making a few things for the baby. I am really having a hard time not shopping for this little one. I want to go buy new onesies, gowns, socks, and all the necessities you need in the beginning. I am not one who is good about saving things, I usually will find someone who needs my things as I get done. Since usually after having a baby, I vow that thats the last one. I believe I have said that twice now. Oopps here I go again, it is so true that you forget or just go insane and do it again. All of my kids have been planned so I can't say they ever were a oops baby. Sometimes it just took longer than what we would of liked. I don't mean to bore anyone with my pregnancy I just want to someday look back and remember the things that meant so much to me.


Charlene said...

Nothing about being pregnant is boring. I love it myself and would have had more babies myself if God would have allowed it so keep the news coming I love reading about it. Love ya. Sister Charlene

Charlene said...

Oh yea and I really loved feeling the baby move that is the best

Unknown said...

I loved feeling the baby move. Great feeling

Jules said...

Oh it is not a bore at all! I LOVED feeling my babies kicking and moving all the time, it is honestly one of the best feelings in the world! I hope you get the quilt done, I also have several quilts that I started years ago, and really need to finish! HEHE. Man, all this baby talk is really making my fever worsen ;)

Sis Stubby said...

I loved being pregnant.It is not boring to read about it. Feeling a baby kick is the best.It is such a miracle to have children.

Shannon said...

I too loved feeling my babies moving around.

Jackie said...

I can't say I loved being pregnant but I did love to feel my babies moving around. That is the best thing about being pregnant. I am with Sis. Jules this baby talk makes me want another one!!! And it is not boring at all!!:)

Sis. Lori P. said...

There is nothing so mysterious as a baby moving within your womb. All our hopes and dreams during those nine months are focused on who and what will this child be? Enjoy it's movement now, the time to give birth will be here before you know it!

meNmykids said...

Beautiful moments to cherish. That is a bond noone can share with you and your little one. Enjoy.

melissa said...

i loved feeling aiden move around inside me even though he was alittle cramped inside me lol and would jab his little toes in my ribs ohhh to have that feeling again i would do anything in the world to feel it again take my word cherish it because you never know if you will get to feel it again

Sabriena said...

It's not boring to me, either. I love hearing people talk about children, and having children, and how it feels to be a mother. Besides, I want all of the advice I can get before I get married. One thing that I have started thinking about lately, is what if I am one of those people who can never bear a child? I don't know how I could stand that, and I've wondered, if that happened, would my husband want to adopt? Because I sure do think I would. But maybe I should wait to cross that bridge until I come to it, eh?

I just read your last post, and I had known that some people couldn't nurse, but I didn't really think about it being something that their body did. I just knew, because Heidi was so tiny when she was born, and she would throw up right after nursing, so she never got anything. Mom felt betrayed that Heidi did better on a bottle than breastfeeding. But every baby is different, and every mother is. I will try to remember to pray for you that you will be able to breast feed this time.