Wednesday, May 7, 2008


My sweet little angel has turned over night to a little monster at times. All of the sudden he has decided to test me and see who will get the last word. The last few times that I have took him to wal-mart has been a utter disaster. No joke, you no those kids who are screaming at the top of there lungs throwing there bodies all over the place. Ya thats us, I am the mom who wants to pull her hair out, crawl under something and hide. The only thing that will half way calm him down is when I call daddy to talk to him. Then he shuts up for a little while. Three weeks ago I would of took him to town over all my kids but now I can't stand the thought of even going. Believe me he doesn't get away with the fits he gets in plenty of trouble. I am not one who likes to spank in public because so many people thinks it is abuse, but I believe it is necessary at times or else you are raising the next menace to society. Samuel has decided that when he has pushed us to far to ask us if we want him to kiss us to see if we will forget the moment of fit throwing before. He is so adorable but the fits are too much for me to handle. I so hope we can get past this before the new baby comes. My boys seem to have a bit of a temper that I am learning to control. I want them to be sweet men who can control there tempers and keep them in tact. I have heard that Lee had the same problem as a kid but I must say his parents did something right he is patient with me and with the men who work for him. He also told me once that seeing all the fighting at church in his youth taught him so much. He could see were it didn't fix the problems. I just pray that my boys grow up to as good as there dad.


JoAnn said...

Cherrie we have all had the same problem at one time or another. I used to just walk away from them. Sounds terrible but it worked. Nobody but nobody is going to kidnap a fit throwing kid from Wal-Mart. I would start walking away and pretty soon they would stop screaming and start running after me. I know its harsh but hey it works. Another thing we did with Alex, he was throwing fits at kindergarten nearly every day. He got in severe trouble for it at home, and then every day before school we would have this long discussion with him about how school boys do not behave that way and that there was to be absolutely no crying or fit throwing at school. That solved the problem, but he was five not three so the language development thing would come into play there. Anyway spankings when we got home from the store worked for me too!!

"Management accepts no responsibility as to the appropriateness of the above action or the consequences thereof!" Legal jargon courtisey of Skylene Beason.

melissa said...

i remember when aiden was 2 he was alittle handfull and i was telling julie and she told me that 3's were worse than 2's at the time i didnt think it was possible but then when he turned 3 i seen just what she was talking about and 4's well lets just say he is getting in major trouble he thinks he can boss me around and he also put the word duh in his vocabulary just recently and mommy is gonna but a little damper on that one but i still love him and i understand that all kids go though there little stages we just need to guide them in the right direction i tell aiden god doesnt like when he acts that way and that helps me out alot

Chantel H said...

I'm sorry you are having such a problem. I must say it is sometimes hard to hear you over him on the phone.:) He is still my wonderful little nephew, send him out!!

Jules said...

I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time with him. I KNOW what you mean though. I don't even know why people call twos "terrible twos" because age 3 is 10 times worse! You definately have to be careful out in public, a lot of people do think dicipline is abuse. But then people wonder why this world is getting worse and worse, HELLO? Just hang in there!

Sis Stubby said...

I will be praying for you.I had one that had an awful temper.At home I would send him to his room.Tell him we didn't want to put up with that kinda of talk.Some days it worked and some days he pushed that much harder. I would tell him Jesus didn't like that behavour.Yes I do belive in corperal punishment.But I think I got what I deserved. Before I had children I thought I would show all how to be a good Mom and what children should behave like. LOL
Did I learn my leason on that one.
He is now a patience Man.
Thank God.

Sis. Connie M. said...

Bailey is in the Terrible Twos - Encore Edition! She is pushing every limit I have ever dreamed of! I am solidly standing on some lines, but other I am letting blur a bit! I have got to get a firm hold on her or one of us will go CRAZY!

meNmykids said...

Hope you find the answer to your problem soon! I hate it when you hit a problem like that and have to stay the course, even through the storms. You are doing great with your kids so far!

Skylene said...

Summer is almost always really good in the store and she surprised me in Walmart today with a few screamy fits! It was funny to read your comment about being 'one of those moms' because that is what I felt like for a moment today! I hope that this does not continue!

Jackie said...

I will pray for you. My daughter is 3 and she dosen't do that yet but I dread Wal-mart too becasue there is not usually enough room in the cart for both girls and she wants to touch everything and seems to lose her hearing and listening abilities in the store. So I will pray for you in this. I know the Lord will help.