Sunday, June 29, 2008

Busy as a Bee are We!!!!

We are out of the house and are at my moms house for the week. Lee has worked so hard trying to get everything done. I feel so blessed to have a husband who takes care of me. He also is redoing my Aunts kitchen before we leave also. So he has been so busy lately. He has done such a wonderful job on it. I will take some pictures when he is done grouting it so you all can see how good he is at what he does. I feel as if we have ran a marathon the last few days. The sad thing is that Lee has done pretty much everything. I have just tagged along for the ride most of the time. I feel like it might be awhile before things get back to normal. I am one who likes to get moved and have things unpacked as soon as possible. But I must say that I am already exhausted all the time and the further I get in this pregnancy the more tired I seem to be. But thankfully I have a husband who can't stand to live with boxes everywhere either, so I am sure he will have me unpacked as soon as possible. I might have to redo some things later on but that will be fine. I just appreciate all he does for me. I love you hunny so much and thank you for doing those little things for me.


Jackie said...

That is alot of work for a an expecting mom even if you feel like you are not doing much. I will be praying that you will be all settled in by the time the baby comes.

Marisela said...

How exciting! It sounds like things are finally comming together. I am so looking forward to your arrival....and I volunteer to help you unpack and get settled.

marykathryn said...

Moving IS such work!! I agree w/ will be so great to finally get you guys out here..I too want to help as much as I can! Just let me know!!

Unknown said...

Glad things are coming together.

Chantel H said...

It won't be long now!! Moving is such hard work, and with you being pregnant it is so much worse. Can't wait till it's over for you and you are here.

Jules said...

It is always such a busy time when you're moving. I hate moving! I'm sure that you'll have lots of help when you get to Oregon.

Sis. Leah said...

Hi Sis. Cherrie I am Sis. Leah from Indy. I saw your blog n another sisters site and thought I would say hi. I don't know what it's like to move while being pregnant but we moved 1 month after I gave birth to my son. That was hard enough. I will be keeping you in my prayers. And Lord willing everything will be ready by the time the baby comes.