Friday, June 27, 2008

Wore out!

Well we decided to move out of our house today. And what a exhausting day it has been for us. My sweet mother-in-law came down and helped me so much with the last minute packing. We planned on doing it tomorrow but we had some help today so today became the day. All the major stuff is out of the house and know I just have to do a little bit of the loose packing and cleaning of the house tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this but it is something that must be done. Now don't worry my mom is going to help me tomorrow. And my kids are going to run the sweeper and clean the bathrooms. So I guess you can say I will be the supervisor.

On another note, I was reading Trina's blog and the potty training and made me think of a little incident that I had with Samuel the other day. As you all know he is potty trained and has done a wonderful job with it. But I haven't taught him how to go number 1 standing up yet. Not to sure how I will do that one. I am hoping his dad will do it. O.k. let get on with the story. I was on my way home from town a few weeks ago and my little man started dancing around in his car seat. So I looked back and asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom, which of course he said yes. Well there was no where to go so I pulled over on the road to let him go on the side. My little guy was puzzled when I pulled his pants down and told him to go. It really bothered him that he had his pants off on the side of the road. He didn't know what to do. So he started yelling at me to put his pants on. So of course I did and put him back in his seat and told him to hold it till we got home. He made it home and was still dry but barely. I am hoping my husband will help teach him to go standing up so on the trip when there is no where for miles he can go on the side of the road.


Unknown said...

my son never used a potty chair, refused, had to be the big potty and would never sit to do 1, to this day he doesn't sit to do 1, he will do 1 then turn around and sit down if he has to do 2 lol

marykathryn said...

That is funny.. my boys always thought we were crazy when we encouraged then to go outside..I'm not sure they are big fans even now..LOL

Jules said...

I'm so sorry that we didn't get to say goodbye to your family. Please tell your kids that we really wanted to, but it just didn't work out. That is funny that he wouldn't go standing up. I'm sure he'll catch on after he is shown how to do that.

Trina said...

Hahaha My boys were all taught to sit down too, but they figured out the standing on their own. Roman has caught on to it with no problem too. He sits in the house, because it's less messy, but he has gone outside while playing in the woods and stood up (of So far we have had 2 accident free days....Yahooo!!! We are on our way! Can't wait til Samuel and Roman get to play fun!

Sis Stubby said...

My sons never used the potty chair either. One time we was at my uncle in KY he didn't have a inside bathroom and my #2 son did not like the outhouse.So I had him going out side by a tree. Welll when we came home guess what? You guessed it. He would go out side in our bush.Not just #1 either So I has to explain to him the difference. He was only about three.LOL

melissa said...

aiden didnt go standing up when he was first potty trained he actully shocked me when he did it we were at my parents and i went in the bathroom and seen my little man standing up and i asked him what made him want to do that and he said he wanted to go like daddy lol to this day he will not sit and alittle advice carry a empty pop bottle or water bottle with you he can go in it and not have to get out of the car for the world to see his little bottom lol and then when you stop some where just throw it away i still do that with aiden

Sabriena said...

Oh my! That sounds like one of those moments that is very harrying and stressful at the time, where if anybody mentions that it's funny, they're liable to get a very funny look! Until afterwards, at least. Glad things have been going so well for you guys.