Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tempted and Tried!

I feel with all my heart that the Lord showed me a few years back that we would move back to Oregon. The first thing was to wait on him to show my husband. By the way he did and we both feel that this is the Lords will. But the timing on things we wasn't to sure about. We have a business and we had employees to worry about. We also had two homes to worry about. So we started with preparations and had all our employees go under our partner for payroll so they still had job security, and sold one of the houses instantly. The Lord so worked that sell out for us and the wonderful couple who bought it. We had considered renting the other out but I was to scared and wanted it to be sold. Well during this last year I had a miscarriage my oldest son got poison sumac. Two very stressful things back to back. This all passes eventually and a few months later I end up pregnant again. A blessing from God for sure. I was really sick the first four months, and this is not normal for me. I feel as if we have had one trial after another. Things start looking on the upside we have a contract on our house it looks like the time is almost here. Last week we tried to talk to the sellers to check on things and they won't answer the phone to us. Mmmm makes you wonder whats going on huhhh.....Still to this day no call. So we have officially decided to rent the house out for awhile. So we pray we can get good, honest renters in here who won't destroy my beautiful home. Please pray for us on this one. Then you all know that Lee got hurt and has been on crutches for two weeks so far. It is slowly getting better. So we think that maybe the trials are over and we can get on with move right. NO, I don't think so, our van started having some problems with the a/c so I decided to take it in and see what the problem is today. So in the van goes to the dealership for some checking out and I have a wonderful sister come and get me to have some girl time. We decided to go to hobby lobby and do some shopping and I get a phone call from Lee. He has been trying to call the moving company that we have paid a down payment of to delay our move a few weeks to give him more time for healing. Guess what we can't reach this company for nothing. No one will answer the phone or call us back. So here we are wondering what is going on. So I go to the bank that we paid them with and they already took our money out. Urgghhhh....... So we assumed we are out that $500.00 dollars. Then I told myself that it is just money and things will be o.k. So we decided we needed to go to lunch. While I was at the restaurant I get a call from the dealership, yes more bad news, the will cost me $900.00 to get the air fixed and the brakes were needing done. And hey we are moving in the summer and these things must be done. So lets just say I felt very discouraged today and did a little tear shedding. But I still know that we are to move and that we are just being tried. By the way the moving company finally called back and said they would send us a check for the money we gave them. But for now I will just pray it does happen. But I don't really no if it will. There has been other things that has happened but these are things that stand out to me right now. I hope I don't sound whinny I just want to look back and remember that we were tried but God pulled us through. I know with out a doubt that the time is almost here and that the devil would love for us to stay here and not go where the Lord would have us be. But I so want to do his will, I just pray that I can with stand all that is thrown at me.

The move has been delayed a little because of Lee's foot. We are now hoping for the 7th of July. I will be over six months by then but I feel so much better right now. I have so much energy and the baby moves all the time.


Marisela said...

Oh Cherrie, I am so sorry. Hang in there things will work out all in time. I will keep praying for you guys.

Jules said...

Well... you know the saying: When it rains, it pours. I do feel terrible for you guys. Feel blessed that you actually have the money to fix your A/C. We went ALL last summer with NO A/C in 112 degree weather. Not fun. And we still don't have A/C :P I know things can change in one day. Just totally trust that God knows what he is doing, and it will work out. There have been SO many times that I don't know how we were going to live 'til the next day, or how we would get by. Then somehow, the next day, things work themselves out. I know things happen for a reason though, so just hang in there. It will happen. Love and prayers.

Jackie said...

Our prayers are with you!

melissa said...

so sorry to hear the bad new we all have trials we have to go though and god is always there he knows whats best just trust in him and ill keep you in my prayers im also going though some hard times right now thats why im not posting any blogs so i ask for you to keep me in your prayers also

Sis Stubby said...

God is stronger tnan satan.Let him handle this matter.Remember" And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." Rom 8:28
Some times us humans forget this.I know I have
Love & Prayers

Sabriena said...

I've been keeping you in my prayers. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God is there for you, and I know that you know it too. You don't sound whiny to me, I understand that you want to write things like that down so that you can remember in the future of how God brought you through, even if you were tried the whole way. As I said at the beginning of my comment, I've been keeping you in my prayers. And now, I will end my comment with "I will keep you still in my prayers."

(P.S. Now I don't have that at the end, but I just wanted to mention that writing that made me think of that song Someone Is Praying For You.)

meNmykids said...

There really are rises and falls in our lives. Hopefully you are ready to get on top again. It is so good that you are keeping your faith and even openly acknowledging the Lords wonderful power over every little thing in our lives. I hope it all goes good with the rental.

Unknown said...

yikes, repairs are no fun, hubs car just took 540 to fix, mine only 40 but my AC doesn't work but no money to fix it so my solution is to roll down the windows and hope its not raining lol

marykathryn said...

I am sooo sorry that this has been such a trial for you guys!! Satan is vicious and he will stop at nothing to detour God's people, but as you know the Lord is Good and he will see you through!! We are praying for you guys and for Lee's foot. Can't wait to see you guys pull up in that moving van..It will be such great rejoicing!!!

Kim said...

We all have gone and are going through trials The scriptures say we will be a tried and proven people. But it also says he will make a way of escape. Sometimes it seems as if there isnt an escape and that it will go on forever but remember his servant Job. As hard as my trials have been in my life, when I read the story they seem so small. I haven't lost everything, I havent lost all of my children, I have and do suffer with my physical body but probably not to the extent he did. Sometimes it's good to refresh our mind with that story. Hope I'm not a miserable comforter! LOL

Tiffany said...

ahh sis i'm so sorry. Just keep your head up and know that the brethren are praying for you <3

Charlene said...

I will pray for you too
all the other comments say it all love you. Love, Sister Charlene

Sylvia said...

I thought I had already made a comment. I must have not finished the thought. I am sorry for your trials. I know things will work out in Gods own time. I am glad Lee's foot is doing better.

Tish said...

I feel so bad for you guys and all that you've had to go through. I will keep you in my prayers. I know I'm kind of late responding to this post; so I'm hoping that things are better by now.