Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Time!

It is official the summer has hit us here in Oklahoma. The weather is muggy and hot, not a good combination. As most of you know my husband got hurt about a week ago. This has been a definite trial for us, we are not used to him being down. And it doesn't hurt that I am 24 weeks pregnant. So there is a lot of things that I am limited to. So here we are a couple of people who have so much to do and we are limited to what we can do. The yard needs mowed, Lee needs to work, and the moving company is scheduled for less than two weeks away. But how will we make the trip if Lee can't drive? Not so sure, maybe another delay. I sure hope not, but things happen. His ankle is slowly getting better, the swelling has gone down so much but he still has pain in it and can't walk. When ever he rides in the vehicle his ankle will start swelling again. I fear that he might of caused some serious damage. I just pray that it will heal quickly. I thank all of you who has been praying for him I really appreciate it. Now for those of you who don't know how this happened just remember we are not as young as we used to be. Sometimes the things we did when we was kids was foolish and shouldn't be repeated as we get older. Our bodies are more fragile and don't heal as quickly. I am very protective of our kids and you.....


Jackie said...

Sorry to hear that your husband is still having problems. I will be praying for you all with your move coming up. Hopefully he will be back on his feet soon!

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Golly! That's sounds bad! Hope you get feeling better soon, Bro. Lee! We'll be praying for you guys.

Jules said...

Yeah, in our own minds, we can do all the things that we used to be able to do. I've been praying, and will continue to pray. I hope it gets better in a couple weeks or less.

Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! I really didn't realize how bad it was. I'll be praying for all of you! Please don't push yourself to much with the packing and stuff. Lord willingly everything will come together in time and you'll be able to make your big move!

marykathryn said...

Okay so how crazy is this...I actually miss the Oklahoma weather..LOL
Can't wait until you guys get out here..We are praying for all of you!!:-)

Shannon said...

Just another little set back. You're being tried & proven. I may not know either of you in person but by your writings it seems like both of you are strong in the Lord. I will be praying for you both. You'll be Oregon bound soon!!!

Sis. Lori P. said...

I didn't know Lee hurt his foot! I must have missed a blog entry or something... Poor things, both of you! Moving is stressful, maybe this will be your last move? Last time we moved I decided I never wanted to move again!

Sylvia said...

We are praying also. Don't do too much, we don't want you having problems. I know the waiting has been hard. Uncertainy in what comes next can really wear a person down.

Chantel H said...

I am so sorry that you keep getting delayed. There are some things we just can't control, but we can pray that things will work out according to God's will. I can't wait until you get out here, but with these gas prices who knows how often we'll get to see each other!

Sabriena said...

Well, in any case, we know that God is in control. Whether He is doing this so that when Bro. Lee is suddenly healed it will prove His power, or whether He has some reason for keeping you from Oregon just yet. Or, whether He is letting Satan tempt you. Ever think that God may have been saying to Satan "See my servants Lee and Cherrie..."