Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Love

I was looking thru my pictures and found this picture of me and Lee. And when I saw it I thought of all the wonderful things we have been thru. With out a shadow of a doubt I know that God put us together. Sometimes I think of my life before him and I thank God for giving me the life I have now. This is my best friend, my husband, the father of my children and the love of my life. He is a spiritual strength to me all the time. We have had trials come our way and they seem hard at the time but once there gone it seems like a breeze. With the grace of God we have been married 12 1/2 years had 4 children, one died at birth and now we are expecting another. One of the things I love most about my husband is watching him play, talk, teach and guide our children. I love how they get excited when he comes home from work. Thank you honey for always loving me. I love you!!!!


Chantel H said...

That is so sweet! What a blessing from God!

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Aw thats a sweet picture! =)

Mrs.Martin said...

Lee is a great daddy and a good example. It is comfort to see how much the Lord causes us to Love our husbands. I like mine too.

Marisela said...

It is fun to look back on old photos and remember the good ol days. he he. I have to say you guys don't look much different...still young and in love :)

Jules said...

You guys are a great couple. I used to wish I had what you guys have always had. Now I do, and I see what a great marriage is like. You guys have always been a great example of a good marriage :)

Tish said...

Aww, how sweet. Sometimes I take my husband for granted, but I really am so thankful for how good our relationship is; and how blessed we have been in our marriage. I too have no doubt that God brought us together. Sometimes I look at the different ones who were interested in me, or that I was interested in and I can see how things would not be nearly as good with them as they are with Matt.