Monday, May 19, 2008

Bad Habit.... Funny Situation

I have noticed lately that I have been grinding my teeth. The problem with this is, that it gives me a headache and is hard on my teeth. I have never done this before and my jaw is aching. I have to stop and pay attention to what I am doing and even at that it is still hard not to do. What a annoying habit to have. How this has started I have no idea I just figured it out lately.

This morning as we was laying in bed we could here Samuel in his room yelling at the kids. Yes my three year old is very bossy. So Lee decided that he needed to go and take care of him and stop his yelling. As he went in his room he saw Samuel still in his crib ( yes he is still in the crib it keeps him from waking up and roaming the house). So Lee asked him what his problem was and he told his daddy that there was dinosaurs everywhere and they would get him if he got out. But the problem was he didn't want the kids to leave his room. So when they would walk out he would go ballistic on them. So daddy reassured him that there were no dinosaurs to worry about. This gave us a good chuckle this morning the things that he comes up with sometimes just amuses us.


Sabriena said...

That's pretty funny! Little kids are the cutest little things! I'm sorry that you've recently acquired the habit of grinding your teeth. I used to chew my nails all of the time. I wouldn't even notice I was doing it until I either hurt my teeth, or bit my nail to close and hurt IT! I had to make a big effort to stop, but now I don't do it. Every now and then, I want to, if I have a bit of a split in my nail, but I don't even want to start again, just incase, so I stop myself. Anyway, I hope you'll notice more often, so that you can quit the habit. After all, it's bad for your teeth, hurts your jaw like you said, and maybe even annoys people that you are around. Since I haven't been around you, I wouldn't know.

Jules said...

LOL! That is HILARIOUS!!! "Stormie, Elisha, Don't leave me!!!" I can totally hear him saying that. Sorry you have developed a habit that does a bit of damage to your body. Blake does that sometimes, and he bites his nails, both drive me crazy. Well hopefully you don't get to doing it more and more, maybe it will slowly phase out. Give the kids a hug from me.

Sis. Lori P. said...

That is so funny about Samuel. Did he watch Jurassic Park...remember when that little girl says, "they left me! they left me!" I don't grind my teeth or bite my nails...I do something else. I don't breathe! Sometimes, when I'm really stressed, I have to make myself sing because it causes me to breathe the right way. Lately I've just had to concentrate on making myself take a slow deep breathe in and out. Why do we do these things to ourselves?

melissa said...

do you grind your teeth in your sleep?i have heard of people doing that and they have to wear a guard when they sleep.that is to funny about samuel aiden tells us he sees ghost and tries acting like a ghost hunter chris watches the show and aiden has picked up on everything i try not to let hm watch it any more:(

Jackie said...

Someone told me once that grinding your teeth can be a sign of lacking some vitamin or nutrient in your diet. I can't remember what exactly but you may just need to add something to your diet. It might be worth researching. If I remember what it is I will let you know.

Sis Stubby said...

Oh I uderstand I used to grit my teeth in my sleep Bro. Stubby would shake me so I would quit. When I had all my teeth pulled I did that and it hurt so bad I finally quit.
That is so cute of Samual I feel sorry for him. I wll pray for him that ,that fear will leave him. Poor Baby!

Chantel H said...

kids are so cute...About the teeth grinding, I have noticed that when I get very angry I grit my teeth to try to keep control. I didn't notice this however until Andy started doing it and I would get aggrivated with him over it. Our kids pick up on those bad habits.

Marisela said...

Hope you can get past the bad habbit. Your little boy is really cute.