Friday, September 21, 2007

It's Official

I am sick!!! No not with morning sickness but with a sore throat like Lee had. I feel horrible. I have no voice to yell at my kids with. That is very hard by the way. How will I get anything done with out, yelling out orders. I can't sleep, it hurts to swallow, poor me. Now I know how Lee felt. Hopefully he is more sympathatic with me. So life goes on and here I am blogging instead of talking on the phone.
I guess I will lay around and be a total bum today. I might not even get dressed for the day. I will stay in my p.j's. That sounds nice, hopefully nobody comes over.hehehe.... Oh well if the do at least I have my undergarments on right (Trina).


Trina said...

I'm glad that you learned from MY little lesson! hehehe I am sooo sorry you aren't feeling good though. I must admit that you sound horrible on the phone. Take it easy!!

Tish said...

That's too bad that your sick. Especially when I'm sure there's so much you're wanting to get done. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't last as long with you as it did with Lee. In other words, get well soon!!


Mrs.Martin said...

You both looked too cute sick the other day. I hope you both recover completely FAST!

Sabriena said...

I just got caught up with your posts. Congratulations! I will be praying for you and the baby, along with my original prayers about you getting your house sold.

Marisela said...

Ohhh how awful I'm sorry your sick. I hope you have a quick recovery, and it doesn't last as long as Lee's did. GET WELL SOON!

marykathryn said...

Hope you are feeling better!! Being sick is never fun especially when you are a mommy...nobody ever takes as good as care of