Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Secrets Out

Well we finally told the kids and parents our exciting news. WERE PREGNANT!!!! I always have these ideas that I will keep it a secret for awhile. But for some reason I have the hardest time keeping it to myself. So we are officially gonna have a baby, Lord willing. My due date is May 18, 2008. We are a very happy little family. The kids are excited and can't wait. Stormie of course wants a girl and Elisha wants a boy. Now for Samuel he isn't understanding the whole thing yet. He just says no baby. But he will adore this new one. Since I am already over weight with this pregnancy I am trying to be extra careful. I usually don't gain weight during my pregnancies so I am hopping for a no weight gain or even a loss. I decided to quite the soda cold turkey. And watch my sugar intake. So far I have done very well and have actually been losing a little bit of weight. I am hoping for the best pregnancy. But I have a lot to do such as moving. We believe the house in Sapulpa is a for sure on being sold. The couple who is buying our house have a couple buying theirs. They had a for sale sign out only 1 week in front of there yard. I do believe God is doing some wonderful things here. I had a feeling that I would end up pregnant while we were in the middle of this major move. And I was sure right. I believe God revealed this to me so I wouldn't be discouraged. He has blessed my family with so much and I am so thankful to him for this. The house in Drumright is coming along and I can't wait till it is done. This house is so amazing to me. I wish I could take it with me to Oregon and put it on some land. That would be so grand.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I never could keep it secret either. Everything in my life is an open book. I think it is because I love to talk, about everything. Take it easy on the move and don't try to do everything yourself.


michelle said...

Wow, how exciting !Another new baby for the Hillsboro assembly,that would be great.michelle.g

Marisela said...

Well congradulations!!! How exciting! That is great news about your house too. One down and one to go.

Trina said...

Well you know how I feel about the upcoming baby! Yahooo! This will give our baby a perfect little playmate that will be only two months apart. So Samuel and Roman will be close in age, and now the next two. I will keep praying for you guys, and that things continue to go smooth and quick for you. Den and I were just saying, tonight, that you will feel the need to be nested get out here!! hehehe

Mrs.Martin said...

Congratulations Cherrie and Lee!!!!