Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Oh why am I having another child to listen to. My two older kids love to argue and tattle on each other. Lets say some of the things they try to get the other one in trouble for is so crazy. They do the same things. I really want my kids to love and cherish each other. I'm not saying they never do but this morning is crazy with arguments and disrespect for each other. I so need to find a way for them to get along more. When they were little we would make them hug. Maybe I should treat them like toddlers again.

My mom is over painting Stormies room for me. I am so excited to get this done. We have not had any calls on the house yet. But I am actually glad, I would like to finish some of the little things. Once her room is painted we can move the furniture back in. Then the last thing to do is have carpet put in my room. It makes me so sad to have such a nice house here and know we will get just a minimal amount of money for it. And once we move to Oregon we couldn't touch this house for less that 270,000 if we was lucky. We are only asking 105,000 for this house. We have put a new roof on it, new a/c unit, new kitchen cabinets with new appliances all included, newly remodeled bathrooms from top to bottom, jacuzzi tub in master bath, the master room is huge it fits a King bed with lots of extra room. There are 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. The windows are all newer with siding on the outside. We put new doors everywhere and the back door is new with the blinds built into the door. I wish someone would come along who would love this house as much as I do.


Jules said...

Well I love that house as much as you do, but... It is a little farther than I want to be from Sapulpa and our credit is shot. I really don't actually care about our credit (We've switched to the cash only method ;) But anyways, I know exactly how you feel. Houses are so much cheaper here, but it seems like Oklahoma RIPS people off in so many other ways. Examples: toll roads, drivers license's only last less than 2 years, tags & titles for cars are RIDICULOUSLY priced, sales tax, etc.. I'm sure that you guys can find a "fixer-upper" for a decent price, and make it as beautiful as your house is now :)

Mrs.Martin said...

The House is very modern beautiful. I am sure the Lord will send the right buyer along soon. And.. Your hair is cute! You little blondy!

Trina said...

It sounds like you have done an amazing job on your home. I am sure that the PERFECT buyer will come along eventually. We will just need to keep praying, and then just wait on the Lord. I love all your posts lately. You are spoiling us! Keep them coming!

Michelle Swank said...

I think your house turned out fabulous. I have no doubt you will sell it within a month or two. The market is just now getting busy.

Love & Prayers

Marisela said...

It sounds so nice. I'm sure it will sell to a family who loves it too.

meNmykids said...

I think all of us moms think sometimes that our kids hate each other. Don't let it get you down, it won't be long and one of them will show you how much they do care. I hope that your house sells fast, sounds beautiful.