Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lost and Found

The other day I took my watch off by my bed. At least I thought I did. My days were busy and my mind goes at times. I all the suddenly realized that I haven't seen my watch for a few days. But were could it of gone. So the search began we were scouring the house to find this very important watch. Lee just bought it for me for Christmas. I then thought that putting it on my night stand is not a good idea since I have a two year old who could reach it. I began to get very depressed about loosing this item. I offered the kids a reward for who ever found it with hopes of it appearing. I was praying constantly, asking the Lord to just let me find it. I just knew that Samuel probably put it in the trash and the trash just ran the other day. I had thoughts of the trash man giving his wife my really nice watch that he found in the trash. That night in bed I kept thinking that I needed to look in Stormies purses. My little boy loves purses so maybe it will be in there. The next morning I was picking up the house and went into Stormies room and saw her purse so I looked inside and there it was my watch. My day has been so much better. Thank you God for bringing it back to me. Such a small thing to pray about but it was very important to me.


:.☂Raine☂.: said...

You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about this one CD I bought a while ago, and I lost it soon after I got it (which was months ago). I searched the house high and low AND my car. And I woke up thinking I should pray about it, and then it came to my mind that it was in my CD player in my room. I could promise anything that I'd checked there MANY many times, and couldn't find it until today.
I feel sometimes like I'm going crazy, because I'll try searching the WHOLE house and won't find what I'm looking for, and then I pray about it and I find it almost right away. I know a CD wasn't a really important thing to ask God for, but as I listened to it this morning it had a really encouraging song on it that I needed to hear at the moment.
Anyways! Sorry for my long comment. I'm glad you were able to find your watch!! :)


Trina said...

I feel this way all the time!! I can't believe all the things that grow legs in my house and just run away spontaneously...hehehe I am so glad that you found it. Sometimes I need to better about asking the Lord to help me with stuff like that.

meNmykids said...

Love it when the lost is found! Flad for you.