Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good-bye baby, Hello big boy!


It seems like yesterday my baby was a baby. Not anymore he is now become superman the potty trained three year old. I miss those diaper changing days. Who would of ever thought that would be. I miss him wanting me to rock him. I miss him needing me for everything. Now he has Stormie and Elisha and they are who he needs most. He wants them all the time. He can't stand it if they go anywhere with out him. He will just bawl for them. Good bye baby and Hello big boy.. Momma loves you!



Trina said...

We havent started the potty training process yet. I think I will wait til this summer when he is 2.5. They do grow up waaaaaay too fast. I mean River is out on his own two days after his 18th birthday. That wasnt supposed to go by that fast...*sigh* Roman adores his brothers too and hates when they leave to go anywhere without him, so I get that! I will be in and out today AGAIN, I am trying to get things ready at the other house. WILL IT EVER END?! lol

Sis. Lori P. said...

I would gladly go back to the days my boys were 3. What chunky cheeks, what adorable grins, what easy problems to solve! Grab that boy and hug him any chance you get!

melissa said...

he has gotten big fast i remember going and seeing him for the first time and aiden was excited to see his little cousin at that time samule was the only little cousin he had now he has 3 going on four now we are just waiting on him to have a little sister or brother hehe

Sabriena said...

So it turns out that three IS the magical age, eh? Glad for you that he's potty trained, and don't feel too bad about him being a big boy so soon, after all, you'll be having another baby boy or girl in not too long, right!

meNmykids said...

It is a bittersweet time. They grow too fast. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I can empathize with you...I had a good bye baby moment today, too. I wanted to smile and cry all at the same time :)
I agree with menmykids-it is bittersweet.

Jules said...

He is seriously my little sweetie! I'm going to miss him like crazy!!! He has grown up so much, I'm just sad that he will keep growing and changing and we won't get to see it personally. He is the same age that Blake was when he was born now, actually a little older. That's unreal. I love you Samuel!

Kim said...

I've had many of those Bye Bye Baby moments. Especially when you know it is your last baby. It goes way to fast. Just enjoy them now and you will reap many things when they are grown. They are adults so much longer than they are kids. There comes a point where they seem more like your friend then your child. You will always have that "mom worry" and the "momma bear" feelings but it is so sweet when you become friends.

Skylene said...

I guess I've had my kids too close together I don't ever miss diapers! And I'm always SO HAPPY when they are finally potty trained! Congrats on your success!

Jackie said...

Hi I am Sis Jackie from Indiana. I have been peeking at these blogs for a while and recently started one myself. I look forward to getting to know my sisters near and far.

It is beautiful to watch our babies grow but when I look back at mine I wonder where the time has gone.