Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Packing time........

It is time to start packing again, I feel as if all I have done the past year is pack and move. I am hoping this will be the last time for a long while. This move will be more work but I feel like it is such a good move for me and Lee spiritually. I am looking forward to living in a small assembly again. I have always felt that the day would come that we would move back. It has been 11 years since we left and know it is time to return. It astonishes me when I think of all the things that I feel that the Lord showed me.

I have decided to start by packing the closets and the little things that we really don't need to keep out. So I am hoping to get that all done real soon. I talked to the title company yesterday and things are moving right along. The couple buying our house are shopping for the house, they came and looked at the windows to plan for curtains. They are very excited about the house and that does make me happy. I really wanted someone to buy the house who would love it and appreciate all the hard work we put into this house.

In other news I am also trying to get school rapped up for the year. My kids have had a really good year this year. I am astonished how easily multiplication came to Stormie. How Elisha has took off with his school. He does most of it with out my help, he is good about reading the information and understanding how to do it. This has been one of the easiest years for us, and I pray that next year will be the same. I did start school early last year which made it easier for us to take different times off when needed. I hope that I will be moved before the school convention out there. So ladies let me know, I would really like to go. I have Stormies school already but I need to decide what all I want to do for Elisha. He would like to do books this next year instead of computer. And since he is such a good reader and loves it with a passion I would like to do that for him.

I was so excited last night, I was lying on the couch relaxing and this little baby started moving so much. It actually shocked me a little. I have felt butterflies and little things like that but this felt like there was a fight going on. It did it twice and then stopped. I now it wasn't gas because I had some of that to and it was a total different feeling. There is no kicking yet but this was a real neat experience. It is always amazing to know that a baby is growing inside of you. When I get discouraged about being so tired I just tell myself that I am making a miracle inside of me and that is the most important thing right now. I feel so blessed that God has allowed me to carry another baby. And I am so excited to get to see this little one... I have really enjoyed being a mom and I think this is the best gift.


Jules said...

That is good that the couple is really excited to get that house. I LOVE feeling the movement of a baby. That is definately the best part of being pregnant. You take it easy during packing!

Trina said...

I am sure you do feel like all that you ever do is move move move. Hopefully, once you get settled in here you want need to move for quite awhile. Tisha is trying to move over closer to all of us sisters, I sure hope that you are able to do the same. It will be quite a new and neat experience to have all of us so close and able to just get together at a moments notice. I am so ready for you to get here. Get to packing girl! hehehe

Ohhhh and there is nothing like having that newborn in your arms, you are getting closer all the time with your new one. I cant wait to see yours either. I am thankful that our little ones will be close in age, another blessing.

JoAnn said...

Happy that you guys will be making the big move soon. oh how I sometimes envy you. It is neat that you get another baby. I miss that new baby feeling, but I am approaching 40 rapidly and don't know if my body could handle another pregnancy. Oh Well, I will enjoy spoiling everyone elses.

Sabriena said...

While I was reading your post, I thought "It's such a blessing that God allowed her to have a good home schooling year, since she's been so busy with moving, a baby, etc."

That's so nice that the couple is actually going to appreciate it. It's not much fun to put a lot of work into something, then have it trashed. Do you intend on paying us a visit when you live closer?

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Sylvia said...

The last while has been very busy for you. I hope the move goes really smoothly. It is nice that the buyers are going to appreciate all of your hard work.

I'm glad that school has went so well this year, and that you should be done so soon. It is so special when the baby stars to move a lot. There is nothing like it.

Sister D said...

My thoughts were the same as Neena's just so thankful God worked it out that school would be done earlier this year for you. I remember thinking sometimes we weren't going to get done till summer was over! We are so excited to see your sweet faces again! when are you thinking will be the date you'll actually be moving?

meNmykids said...

Hopefully your moving spree is about to end for a while! Nice for the little one to move a bit, always lifts you up. Hope you take care of yourself.