Friday, March 23, 2007

Fogo De Chao

As you all know I went on a little business trip with my husband. It was a o.k. trip but not what I was really wanting. I had a vision in my head of this nice romantic time away with no kids. Well lets just say that was not it at all. We got there late at night on Tuesday night. So we were so tired that we just went straight to bed. No cuddle time at all. But the place we stayed at was very nice. It was a marriot with a huge king size bed. The most comfortable hotel bed that I have ever been in. On Wednesday Lee went to his siminar all day and by time he was done he was so tired. He feel asleep on the bed. And I as usual just read my book. That evening the schluter company took us out for dinner. They took us to a very nice restuarant called Fogo De Chao it is a Brazilian Steak house. I must say I was very impressed by this restuarant. When you come in they seat you and they have this huge salad bar. Not the normal salad bar I tell you. I was very impressed with the selections they gave you. Oh ya they served you water in a chilled wine glass. And the water was from Italy. They poured it out of a bottle that looked like a wine bottle. Very classie!!!! After the salad they served you 14 different types of meat. Any kind of steak imaginable plus chicken and lamb. They just kept bringing it on. As much as you could eat. They also placed mashed potatoes, fried bananas, and fried cured on the table to eat. They served the best limeade I have ever had. Yummy After dinner they also served a wonderful desert. I must say this is a wonderful resuarant. The only problem is that it is very expensive. Thank goodness the schluter was paying for it. We looked at the prices on the menu and I will tell you that it is around $50 to $70 dollars a person. Depending on your desert and drinks. But I will recomend it if you can put away the meat. By the time we got back to the motel we were so stuffed that we were miserable the rest of the night. The next morning we were still full from the night before. So we got around and Lee left for another meeting while I got stuff around to check out. Had to check out by 12:00 and just drive around until he was done. Then we came home. This was my romantic few days away with no kids. Hopefully next time I will get more romance but at least I got Fogo De Chao .


Chantel H said...

We went to a brazilian steakhouse once in Denver. Very different, but nice. Once was enough. I'm not a huge meat eater. Too bad you didn't get the romantic time you wanted, but it sounds like you got some needed peace and quiet while you were gone. Alone time is good.

marykathryn said...

Isn't it a bummer when you have something all planned and it does not go that way?? I definitely can relate to that...well like Chantel said at least you got some alone time...I mean glass half full, right?

Mrs.Martin said...

Cherrie cherrie cherrie

I just adore your honesty! I am glad you got fed very well, at yor shee shee place. seriously sounds fun. I would like to try this restarant when I can.

I might go to the wedding. Cole is sick again. So I am not sure.

Love ya...

Trina said...

Im sorry that it wasn't everything you hoped it to be. I can completely understand. While you were gone, we were gone, and we were without kids too. It wasnt the most romantic time of our lives However, time away from the kids can be time to reflect, and really think instead of just going through the motions of life. Im glad you got to go to that kind of a restaurant, those moments are so memorable!

Trina said...

Okay Miss Cherrie, why aren't you posting???? I keep coming over to check your blog,only to find the same post....dont make me beg! lol