Wednesday, March 28, 2007

my day

Hey Guys, Sorry I have been gone lately. My life has been so busy lately. So let me catch you up on things. Well to start things off we have gotten our final approval on our loan. So we will be the new owners of 10.6 acre, a huge shop, and a small home. But I am very excited about the move. Things have been going very fast for us. We got a call saying that we can close sooner than expected. Very exciting right, well a little nerve racking for me. I can't wait to close but we have to have so much money to close and I was looking forward to having the extra time. So when I read Trina's blog it gave me much hope. Then on sunday we got confirmation that this was the Lords will. By the way it felt real good to hear that. He also told us to get into the homes. (So friends beware). I am very excited to live around my friends again.

By the way I tried to post this morning, and my post got lost. So I will have more to post now since so much has happened in such a few hours. I was planning on going to help my sister-in-law unpack this morning. So I started on my way when all the sudden my little girl told me that she was itching. So looked at her and noticed she had little red spots on her. Mmmm I thought and ran by a older sisters home that I know and asked her to look at her. Yep she has CHICKEN POX she told me. Great I thought so much to do and here we go with a staying home time. So I went and told my sister-in-law about my situation. And then I went to have my husband watch the kids so I could go back and help her. Well when I got into his truck to leave I decided to back up. Did I pay attention (NO) I just backed up with out paying attention. Guess what happened? I had forgot that it had rained last night. So I got his truck stuck in the mudd. Oh ya I am a pro when it comes to getting a vehicle stuck. I have done so many times that my husband is becoming a pro at getting them out. hehehe. So by the time we got it out my day was over. I had a headache because I didn't eat lunch yet. So I just went home to relax. So here I am telling you all of my situation. By the way if you ever need help getting your vehicles stuck I am the woman to call. heheeh

Oh ya when I get some pictures I will post them of the house. lol


meNmykids said...

One of those days eh? Well, with any luck they'll all come down with it within days of each other, that way they'll all get over it within days of each other. We had a long drawn out chicken pox session and a short sweet one. Given a choice, I'd take short and sweet. Poor little guys! Hope you get lots of packing done, ready for the move!

Mrs.Martin said...

I am so sorry how your day went. I have had days like that where it just seem like I was a guniea pig running around in a circle and going no where fast. Really fast.
And I hope they all get IT very close together in a time span. I will come visit wth my son who we have pic to varify he really did have them. He will love to visit.

marykathryn said...

Wow that was some crazy day...I don't know about getting stuck but I am the QUEEN of backing into something!! It seems like I am always backing into something and my hubby well he isn't so happy with me..hehe
Well congrats on the new house and we are waiting patiently for the pics!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you had such a crazy day. I guess that means we won't be seeing each other for a little while. The little ones haven't had chicken pox. I also hope that it isn't a long drawn out affair. Tell her sorry from us.