Thursday, March 15, 2007

whoooooo I'm tired

Today has been a wonderful day. I feel as though I have accomplished so much in one day. We started bright and early and got everyone around to begin our hectic day. First I must say we are in the process of buying a house. My husband is in hog heaven. He will have a huge shop and 10.6 acres to hunt. Yes it is mostly hunting land. The house is quite homey, very small but I am happy about it. It is a 2 bedroom and 2 bath. But a nice size living area and that is important to me. We will eventually add on but for know we will deal with it. We won't close for a couple of months. They need time to get a place for there business so we agreed on two months. God so worked this out. They actually had a offer before us but they said that they really liked us so agreed to give it to us. We did all this in the morning then had to drive a hour away to get our taxes done. Did that and had to drive another hour for piano lessons. Then 20 min. away for tae kwon do, did that then had to drive a hour and 15 min to get to 4-H in time. (the things we do so our kids our well rounded) whooooo When we finished for the day it was 8:30 at night and I still had to do payroll. Won't have happy employees if we don't give them there checks. So know I am typing and telling you guys my so boring life. Well I must get off here I have another busy day tomorrow. We are having a business picnic for our workers and I am going shopping for the food. So have a wonderful evening. lol


meNmykids said...

Wow! Run, run, run. Maybe you need to slow down after a day or two and just relax? Congrats on the house, how exciting.

marykathryn said...

Whoa girlie, you were a busy bee!! However it does seem like you got tons accomplished and that always feels good. Hope today slows down a bit..Oh yeah, lets see some pics of the new house!!

momto3blessings said...

You are one busy lady. Congrats on the new house.

Trina said...

Yes, I want to see pics of your house and land too. I love visuals!! I am so glad that you and Lee have found a chunk of land and home that you are sooo excited about. Buying a house is right up there with one of the most thrilling moments in life. WHERE IS MY EMAIL?? huh huh?? lol

Mrs.Martin said...

I drove by the home Cherrie and it is very cute and a great piece of land too. Congratulations on finding a home. I know I can see you more often living closer by.