Thursday, March 1, 2007


I am having the worst time getting on my blog from my home computer. My labtop does fine, go fugure. Maybe its time to get another computer. hehehe My husband would not like hearing that. Well we have been doing the house searching, we decided to go ahead and stay here in Oklahoma. So we plan on moving back up to Sapulpa and buying a house. yikes..... So much to do.
We are doing the whole house, searching I am learning so much. I so enjoy looking at the homes and trying to decide what will be the best for our family. Lots of fun......... Keep praying for us that we can do what God wants us to do.

On the other hand my little man has decided to show us his voice. Oh ya thats right he knows how to scream so loud that you would think his hand has been cut off. But no he's o.k. he is just mad that he didn't get his way with somethin. And we must be beyond mean because we didn't give in. What joy to hear his loud pitch voice. yeeeeee

I was trying to find a picture for this post and my labtop wouldn't let download. The joys of my computers. hehehehe


Trina said...

Hi Cherrie,
All I can say is keep praying praying and throw a little fasting in there, BEFORE you buy....pleeeeeeease!!!! LOL

Mrs.Martin said...

I would love a new computer or lap top to take with me on field trips. We had one that worked well once upon a time and loved it.

Talk to you soon,