Thursday, July 19, 2007


It is late thursday evening and I am listening to my music and thinking about how good God is to us. As I was reading Michelle S. blog today and she was talking about all the blessings God has done for her. I thought that maybe I should tell you guys about a few of my blessings.
As most of you know, the story about how me and Lee met. I believe this is one of those things that God did. I was living in Arkansas and one day I decided that I wanted a change. And at that time in my life I wasn't the best person. I had made a lot of wrong choices in life. But for some reason I felt like it was time to do something different and I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I guess you could say I was a little lost. So I decided to go to Oklahoma with my mom and her husband. When I got to Oklahoma I met a young sister who asked me if I wanted to go on a trip with her. Since I really had no plans I thought that it might be a nice idea. So not to long later we took a trip to Oregon. When we arrived I felt like this place was home. And I must say I hadn't felt that in such a long time. It was there that I met Lee. We pretty much new instantly that we would get married. We just seemed to fit so perfectly. You could say that he completed me. In two weeks we were engaged and three months later we were married. This was such a blessing for me. God provided a companion for me. I dated lots of guys and God would always let me know they were not the one, he had the one for me waiting on me to be ready. I am so sorry that I was so stubborn and I had to go through so much before I got this blessing because of my stubborness.
After me and Lee got married I got pregnant right away. I was so happy, my life was perfect. I married the man of my dreams and know I was going to have a baby. I remember at the beginning of my pregnancy I felt as though something wasn't quit right with the baby. I believe God told me this so I would be prepared. I was so sick with this pregnancy. I pucked so much that I would start pucking up my stomach lining. When I got to the end of the pregnancy I remember telling Lee's mom that the baby wasn't moving as much. I figured this was because I was at the end and there wasn't enough room. I must say that the delivery was quit intense. And I ended up having a still born little boy. The blessing in this story is that God prepared me in many ways ahead of time. I remember feeling so good after he was born. I believe God gave me strength beyond measure. He made me a stronger person because of this trial. I was very sad, but I think it would of been harder if God hadn't given me those signs ahead of time.
I believe with all of my heart that the trials we go through are for a reason. And at times we might not understand them but eventually we will. This is just some of the most important things that me and Lee went through at the beginning of our marriage. And I believe that God did it so we would learn to lean him. God had way more faith in me than I had in myself. He let me go through something that I would of never thought that I could have. I thank you God for always being there for me and taking care of me and my family.
Then ten months later I gave birth to a healthy little boy. God decided to take my first born but he gave me another son. And I am so thankful for that. Elisha has been such a treasue to me. God has been with me so many times and has given me so many things to be thankful for. We named our first boy Elijah and I will always remember him. He made me a stronger person.


Sabriena said...

Wow! I hadn't known any of that. It's so good to tell testimonies over and over again, for those who don't know or have forgotten. Although I don't think I would forget that story. But hey, who knows. That's really neat, though. God is so good.

Trina said...

I know that story quite well since I was fortunate enough to be there the entire way. Wow..where does the time go? Im so thankful that God brought you and Lee together and blessed you through Elijah's ordeal. That was a miracle and I still stand amazed, and now to see your other beautiful gifts from the Lord. Thanks for taking the time to testify about this.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wondeful how God carries us through the trials we couldn't endure on our own? Through God we come out stronger and so comforted.

God surely knew your needs because you and Lee are a wonderful couple. It is easy to see how you strengthen each other, and that is the way it is supposed to be.


meNmykids said...

I remember Chantel telling me that you were going to a garage sale a few days after to look at a crib, already planning on your next baby. God did strengthen you and it is amazing. Our trials that we make it through do make us stronger. They force us to define our foundation. Our trials also strengthen those around us, as yours has so many.

Chantel H said...

God was such a strength during that time. There were also great bonds formed thru it all that I am very thankful for. I am so thankful God brought you into our lives.

Mrs.Martin said...

I was expecting Cortez a few weeks after what you had gone through and Trina had been keeping me up to date about your good heart and count your blessings attitude. You have always been such a good example to me Cherrie.

Your faith was made stronger and then ours too, just watching you and Lee.

Marisela said...

That is amazing...It is amazing the things we can endure with the help of of the Lord! Thank you for sharing this.