Tuesday, July 3, 2007


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This is our little scooby. He is the cutiest little dog I know. I let the kids take the camera around the house and shoot some pictures. When I saw this picture I knew that I had to post it and show off our little baby. He is a real good dog, my kids just love him to death. As well as me and Lee, but I must say that there are times when it is very tiresome of having a animal. Because of his size, he is a house dog. So when you plan to go somewhere, you always have to remember him and that will put a damper on things at times. I am lucky that my mom also loves my little scooby and she is willing to help us out at times.

I must tell you that before we got scooby, Elisha had the worst allergies his eyes would swell up and just burn real bad. After this little dog came into our life his allergies got so much better. We found out later that little dogs are good for kids with allergies. They help reduce the allergies some how.

I am sure your bored hearing about our dog so I will go.


meNmykids said...

Animals are great fun and terrible trouble. The kids love them so much though that you better keep them! Glad that Elishas allergies are better, I'd never heard of that.

Sabriena said...

You're right! That was the most boring post ever! Just kidding. I didn't know that little dogs help allergies! That's an interesting fact.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize dgs could help allergies. Scooby is a good dog.
He didn't eventhrow a fit when Faith would try to steal his food.
GROSS!! We are going to get a dog this weekend. A Cocker Spaniel. He is supposed to be an outside dog but Jeff is talking about bringing him inside. The kids are thrilled.
Sorry about your internet. I hope you can get it figured out.

marykathryn said...

You are so funny!! My parents also have a dog that they cracks me up!! Love the pic!!

Trina said...

Okay well I love the name SCOOBY! Somehow it makes me giggle when I hear it.I have no idea why it strikes my funny bone! OH I heard that if kids handle cats alot for the first two years of their life that it can reduce allergies, but I didn't know that about little dogs. Im glad that Elisha is better. Some day when Den and I are old and without children we will have a SCOOBY-DOO too! hahaha