Friday, July 20, 2007


Fridays seem to be such a busy day for me. It is the day I spend all day in town running errands for my husband. Usually picking up checks and dropping checks off. I always have so much that I want to do and I always don't have the time to do it all. But I will eventually find the time, I always do. Well tomorrow is Saturday and I have lots planned again. Our house in Drumright is so embarrassing the yard needs mowed so bad. The problem is that the house is on the main road for the whole world to see. We don't live close enough to just get over there real quick or anything. And I haven't been ables to find anyone who wants to mow it. So hopefully I will get to mow tomorrow.

I was looking at the calender yesterday and I got so excited. We have a trip planned to Portland, OR. coming up in August. And I realized that it is just two weeks away. This is where me and Lee started our life together and where we buried our first born. So as you can tell it is a very special place for me. I will get to spend time with Dennis and Trina who mean the world to me. They gave me a place to stay when I first came to Oregon. They sang in my wedding and she was in my wedding, and her dad married us. So as you can tell they are very important to me. And I am looking forward to spending some time together. I was remembering a post that Trina wrote awhile back about how to be a good guest. So I think I will read it again so that I do things right. lol...hehehe....

I am wanting to go to the coast were me and Lee went for our honeymoon. I am looking forward to having so many wonderful memories flooding my mind. It is weird how living in a place for such a short time still feels like home to me. I am hoping that God will bless us on this trip. We would like to get to visit with several different ones who have made a difference in our lives in some way or another. We booked our trip about a month ago and the time has gone by so fast. So ready or not Trina here we come.


meNmykids said...

Hope you have a wonderful time and get all of those wonderful memories renewed. Oregon holds a great spot in my life as well.

Marisela said...

That will be great fun for you all! I am looing forward to getting back to Oregon....I love it there!

Trina said...

I am really looking forward to you guys coming! I can completely understand that feeling of home that you expressed. Brewster and Portland both hold special places in my heart for me too. I hope you have a great time and have lots of warm and fuzzies when you get here too!

Sabriena said...

Sounds like fun! I hope you have a good time, and renew many sweet memories that maybe you'd forgotten about. So are you planning on visiting U. Dale and A. Chantel while you're on the West Coast? Because if you did (hint, hint), we would get to see you! Last time you were out here, we had the chicken pox, and couldn't spend any time with you, remember!

Mrs.Martin said...

You will have a blast and I hope good enough memories to last you until you are rocking into old age. I mean that, since my memory is lacking these days. Take lots of pictures Cherrie. I will live through you.

momto3blessings said...

I am sure you will have a blast. I hope we can meet up . I told Trina you and I and Trina should meet up somewhere while you are here.

Anonymous said...

Sure, go on and brag about it. It has been so many years since I have been to the Oregon coast I can't even remember. I hope you have a wonderful time. I agree with Teresa, take lots of pictures.