Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Get Serious Cherrie

It is time to get serious about a few things in my life. I decided to start doing school early this year. Mostly because we are such a busy family. And I know there will be times that I lack in it. Well I started lacking, already. We are about 3 weeks behind and this is driving me nuts. So I told my kids that they are grounded from the t.v. till we get things caught up. It seems that the time just flies by so easily. Its not the kids fault that we are behind but mine because I haven't been consistent with them. Sometimes its just easier to let them do something else. That doesn't need my attention. My goal is to get things in my house flowing like I would like them. And I will start with the school. So here we go........Get in gear Cherrie your kids are depending on you to teach them.


meNmykids said...

After you get started it is actually better than not doing it at all. Things just flow smoother with a good schedule. Good luck, I totally understand!

Trina said...

I have been there plenty, myself! Good for you! I hope you can stick with it. There is nothing like feeling that things are in order and on schedule!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I think that I need to get in gear also. My kids are not doing well with too much free time. The destruction they are capable of is amazing.


Sabriena said...

Then I'm wishing you good luck. Mom's done this to us before, and it makes for a lot happier family. The feeling of consistency coupled with filling your mind with learning makes for a busier, happier person. Good Luck!

Michelle Swank said...

I think it is great you are trying to get back on track. Hopefully things slow down enough for you to keep it up. I have had those times too. I am glad you caught it before you got too far behind.

Love & Prayers

Marisela said...

Sometimes it just feels like life is whril winding around you, having a schedule and sticking to it is a great way of keeping normalcy and order...something I feel is greatly lacking in my life at the present moment. I hope things go well for can do it!

momto3blessings said...

Good luck . It is a wo nderful thing to get stuff in order and have some sort of a schedule.

Mrs.Martin said...

I missed this post somehow, but I feel better after reading it and I told myself the same thing last week. Get in gear Mrs. Martin!