Saturday, July 14, 2007

Where does the time go.....

Wow what a day. I feel as though we got so much accomplished today. The day went so fast and I don't know were it went. Well for starters I got up and did a load of laundry and unloaded the dish washer. I decided to let Lee sleep in for awhile. So at about 9:44 I thought that it was time for him to get up. I can't let him sleep the day away when we have so much to do (right). We got around and went to town to pick up a few things we would need at the house in Drumright that we are redoing. And yes I took plenty of pictures and I will post eventually, but for know I will wait till we have the after pictures also. We meet a friend down at the house to show him what we would like to have done. And I am so excited to get all this done. I think that when it is done I might want to move back in.... hehehehe......As if Lee would ever allow that. But the house is going to look so awesome. I hope someone will come and buy it, who will love it to peices. So here is the download. We already put a new roof on and redid the old water lines. The house had new siding and windows already. And know we are redoing both bathrooms and the kitchen. Then fix the wood floors and recarpet two rooms. Then paint the entire house and put a marble and granite on the fire place. Did I mention the kitchen is getting additional cabinets and granite on the counter tops. It is going to look so nice. I can't wait to get all of this done.

We then came home because we had dinner plans with some friends. We had such a nice time eating a wonderful meal and playing a game of hand and foot. We so enjoy spending time with Robert and Crystal. They are those kind of friends were you can talk about the faith with and yet still have a good old time. I love our spirtual conversations. And I love laughing with them when we just want to be silly. Thank you Crystal for being a good friend who always makes me smile. Well it is getting late and I am real tired. And tomorrow is dinner day and I have nothing prepared. So we will see what happens with that. Good night and I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.


meNmykids said...

Wonderful. Why do we always fix the house right before or after we move out? Glad that it was a good day, hope dinner is good tomorrow.

Sabriena said...

That definitely sounds like you've been busy! And here I'm doing all I can to keep up with just drivers ed!!! I hope the dinner was enjoyable. But then, I'm sure it was - it was with family, and brethren!

Marisela said...

That will be so exciting to have it all done. I am looking forward to seeing the before and after pictures.

Mrs.Martin said...

I need to learn some card games Cherrie with you. I haven't played cards in years, with the exception of hearts the other night where everyone was laughing, cuz I didnt know how.

I am happy you got so much done.