Friday, July 13, 2007

work and more work

A couple of posts ago I showed a picture of my honey cleaning out some of the woods. Well let me tell you something. You should always wear long sleeve shirts and something to cover your face a little. He was such a brave man for cleaning this for me. Well to make a long story short he know hows some poison Ivy. He is doing real good at trying to get rid of it. This stuff can be very bad if you don't get a handle on it quick. He has had it a lot so he knows how to take care of it. But it still is very annoying. And itches very bad. So if you don't mind say a little prayer that it will dry up soon. We have a lot more to clear out and try to kill off. And we are also in the process of trying to fix up our house in Drumright so we can put it up for sell. I plan on taking some pictures of the house so I can post them. We are going tomorrow to do some work and hopefully hire someone to help get it done sooner.

We went and took the kids to see Harry Potter today and it was real good. But we are very big fans. My ten year old son has read all the books and can't wait till the book comes out next week. He will have to fight his dad over who will get to read it first. I am very proud of myself. I have been a homeschool mom for a little while. And when Elisha decided to read the Harry Potter books. I was very impressed, I taught him how to read. Sometimes it just amazes me that I did this. And my 8 year old daughter is starting to take off and enjoy reading also. She has been ables to read for awhile. But she has just decided that its not just a chore. She is actually starting to like it. Whooo hooo. FINALLY.......

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend. And if I remember my camera tomorrow I will take some pictures of the house and show you all.


momto3blessings said...

OH NO I will say a prayer for him. I hope it heals over quickly.

My boys love Harry Potter too. They enjoy getting t he books when they come out.

Isnt it a joy to watch them read when you know you are the one that taught them? I remember I had a little struggle with teaching Micah to read , Trina and I had Lots of Long talks about it because I would get discouraged. But finally it clicked and Now he is an awesome reader.

In regards to your post on my blog. I hope we can meet up when you are in town. Trina has said I met you years ago but I dont remember unfortunately. It had to have been like 12 or 13 years ago I think. Anyways lets try to make an effort for us girls to get together.

Mrs.Martin said...

That sounds like a wonderful day full of fun and family time.

Thank you for feeling sorry for me on my post. I need that! LOL

Love you.

Marisela said...

That's so sad...I bet Lee is just miserable! I commend you on your willingness to teach your child to read that is such a great accomplishment, and it is so great when they love to do it.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for Lee! I hope he gets better soon. I hope working on the house and sweating doesn't irritate. It will be so nice not to have to worry about poison oak when the kids play outside.


Michelle Swank said...

Hey women. Hope Lee feels better soon. I just saw Ivy Block the other day. He might want to try it next time he goes out in the poison ivy.

Hope to see you soon.

Love & Prayers