Monday, July 2, 2007


I have been so frustrated with my internet provider lately. You can not get a hold of anyone when you need them. And at any time I could be kicked off the internet. I must say that they make me pay a pretty penny for the worst service I have ever had. I would like to get out of my contract but not sure if I will ever get to talk to someone about it. So if for some reason you don't see me on here for awhile it might be that I got my way. My internet is satilite and I thought it would be better but oh was I wrong. You have to pay $300 just to get it hooked up and then they charge between $50 and $80 a month. Can you believe that it sounds outrageous to me. You would think that my service would be extemly fast. NOT it is as slow as a turtle. So what do I do? I thought about calling one of the news station and complain. So if you see me on the news then you know I couldn't get my way....hehhehe....HELP News 5........So if you want to know who this provider is well it is Wild Blue. What a joke!!!!!!


Trina said...

I am so sorry! We used to have sattelite up in country bumpkin world. It was okay, but it was a pretty penny too. Now we have comcast and never a moments trouble!
It looks like I may have missed you on here tonight. I sort of got in late from my homeschool chat.

Marisela said...

That is such a pain...I would be very upset too!! I hate it when I feel like I am getting a bad deal, and not getting my moneys worth out of someting. You have every right to complain.

I'll be looking for you on Dateline. hehehe

Cherrie said... computer was giving me fits last night anyways. I was still up till 12:30 Samuel has a new sleeping pattern. Maybe he is getting ready to be out there for a week.

Marisela...I also hate feeling like I ain't getting a good deal. And yes look for me on dateline..I will be the chunky girl with the big mouth...craking myself up ..hehehe

meNmykids said...

Comcast treats us well. We were going to cancel and save some money, but they talked us into staying by more than cutting our bill in half. Hope it all works well with the complaints!